𝚛𝚙 - 𝚏x𝚏

NOTE: Characters with a ⚠ next to their name may have triggering content and/or dark themes.
NOTE: Characters with a ✰ next to their name are favored (though everyone listed is available!)

14566151?1665120193 ⚠ Allie

she/her | 22 | pan

◇ a party animal who occasionally has panic attacks
◇ loves being with other people
◇ bubbly, outgoing, hotheaded, panicky

extrovert x introvert

→ delinquent x good girl

→ other ideas welcome!

21070016?1681362287 ✰ Eun-Bi

she/her | 25 | bi

◇ has a little brother, Jung-Woo, whom she is raising
◇ doesn't really have hobbies, just works
◇ responsible, clever, stubborn, prideful

→ found family (!!!!!)

→ dystopian/survival (!!!!!)

→ opposites attract

tired minimum wage worker x rich kid who won't leave them alone

→ other ideas welcome!

14650129?1644123184 Fionan

she/they | 24 | gay

◇ lives in the mountains with her dogs Conan and Tessie
◇ loves nature and being outside in general, not so fond of people
◇ smart, spontaneous, loner, disinterested

→ something fairytale inspired?

leave me alone x please hang out with me

→ survival

→ other ideas welcome!

10830801?1670896960 Tallulah

she/her | 23 | bi

◇ high-strung princess/rich girl
◇ loves to garden
◇ bubbly, intelligent, bossy, spoiled

princess x whoever you'd like

→ arranged marriage

→ opposites attract

→ other ideas welcome!

14567309?1643612668 Omi

she/they | ??? | pan

◇ demon goat-girl
◇ loves hiking and food
◇ clumsy, sweet, naive, cheerful

demon x human lost in the woods

clumsy demon x witch/magician who accidentally summoned them

→ other ideas welcome!

GaQBAYA.png name

-/- | age | sexuality

◇ word
◇ word
◇ word

→ word

→ word

→ word

→ other ideas welcome!