pikoki's Bulletins

- - school’s over !!

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by pikoki

what time do you usually go to sleep?

5 Votes 9pm
12 Votes 10pm
10 Votes 11pm
9 Votes 12am
3 Votes 1am
5 Votes 2am
2 Votes 3am
0 Votes 4am
2 Votes 5am (wtf)
1 Votes i take a bunch of naps so uh 😳

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woo !! i still can’t comprehend school’s over,, it feels like just yesterday that i was joking with a few friends that i’ll “forget the feeling of summer”,, but now it’s back

after school ended i vibed with some friends and impulsively watched Pixar’s (?) Lightyear which was pretty cool !! if you want to know,, id say it was your standard Pixar movie,, nothing too great but not that bad

i’ll start drawing again tomorrow since i get those privileges back (from my parents),, so i’ll be working on stuff for scratch

but uh crazily enough, im probably going to be a bit inactive agAin in a week or so, for 2 weeks since i’ll be going on a trip !! so i’ll try to get as much as possible done for the next week,,

but uh anyways see you guys around :]

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Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by pikoki

how are you guys ?? it’s been so long :’D

6 Votes :DDD
13 Votes :]
4 Votes :|
3 Votes :/
1 Votes :[
6 Votes :’[ ( hope you feel better soon !! )
4 Votes :’]

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rlly sorry about that inactivity,, dude 2 nights ago i stayed up until FIVE AM working on a project that i thought was going to take like 30 minutes,, yea no it didn’t why have i done this to myself

but uh basically it’s finals week :’]

i still have 3 more finals and the last one isn’t until monday so honestly i’ll still be pretty inactive until then,,,

but uh i’m trying to work on the scratch dtiys prizes,, me being the horrible procrastinator i am,, but i’m almost done !!

also i always say this but i might have some little animation thingies that i post on scratch soon !! i realized that the fastest way to improve my human style is to animate with it since animating feral animals drastically and quickly improved that style,, and i’m pretty excited for that

i still can’t process that it’s almost summer

actually why do i never process anything that’s coming soon like it takes me a good few weeks to realize that something happened lmao uH

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- - 300 !!

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by pikoki


14 Votes raffle (art)
7 Votes raffle (design)
8 Votes ota
0 Votes auction / bta
6 Votes fta (favorite to adopt)
1 Votes other (comment please!)

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edit : wait i just realized a raffle for a design and fta are literally the same thing oops ok so i’ll just combine those votes 

oops i forgot to make a bulletin for this but tysm for 300 subs !! i keep doing raffles for milestones since i don’t know what to do,, but i want to do something else this time !! unless you guys want to do a raffle again lol which is fine !! i just don’t want to make things boring,,

so uh please vote in the poll which you’d prefer :]

i wont be doing any entry things tho (like - dta, dmc, etc.) since i find them very difficult to keep track of,, and also because i have a lot on my mind atm

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- - open pride ych

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by pikoki

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small pride ych here !! https://toyhou.se/16436125.open-pride-ych

shares and purchases are appreciated <3


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- - late but happy pride month !!

Posted 2 years, 1 day ago by pikoki


39 Votes part of the community !!
10 Votes ally !!
3 Votes i think i’m missing something ^^’

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oops i’m late

i thought that posted this earlier but i guess i forgot and just lost track of time but happy pride month !!

i’m not part of the community but i’m happy to support it !! i hope to be as supportive as i can as an ally ^^

i’ll try to open up something special — it’ll most likely be a ych but since i haven’t had much time to draw recently, it’ll probably be minimal slots and not fcfs, unfortunately, sorry !!

take care !! <33

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- - small purge

Posted 2 years, 7 days ago by pikoki

almost summer break

10 Votes can’t wait >:]
14 Votes it’s already summer break for me (LUCKY)
11 Votes so close
14 Votes it’s like a month away for me (same)
4 Votes not excited :|

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i think i have too many characters that i don’t use

idk if this counts as a purge,, but i realized that i’ve been holding onto characters, not because i liked their design and had attachment to them, but just for the sake of having them

so i moved quite a few characters out of my sonas and mains folders into the tertiary folder,, so basically all characters in here are ufo !! i love a lot of them but honestly they could go to better homes <3

ignore the old cringe profiles 😬

i’ll be accepting points and art, customs aren’t preferred unless pre made or i follow you (p much),, swaps are fine too

please don’t offer an obscene amount of art !! also if the character has a worth, please don’t offer anything more than what’s listed (if a worth isn’t listed, there is none)

points > art > swaps > customs

thanks guys :]

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- - abc trend thing

Posted 2 years, 23 days ago by pikoki

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last thing before my exam in 34 hours 😳

- - -

A - age : 14

B - biggest fear : FOMO :’] (and also the afterlife 😨)

C - current time : 9:53pm

D - drink you last had : boba tea as of rn

E - easiest person to talk to : my besties,, also myself 🤠

F - favorite song : djakjcks it changes frequently but any pop/acoustic indie song absolutely slaps

G - ghosts, are they real : i hope not 😳

H - hometown : somewhere on the west coast :]

I - in love with : no one hahaha

J - jealous of : PFFT

K - killed someone? : wtf man ☹️

L - last time you cried? : i honestly have no idea but i want to all the time 🤯

M - middle name : 해영 / Haeyeong ( my korean name )

N - number of siblings : uno 

O - one wish : to end all suffering <3

P - person who you last called : my mom to pick me up from school lol

Q - question you're always asked :  you can draw? djaknckan 

R - reason to smile : the people i love <3

S - song last sang : gurenge ( demon slayer )

T - time you woke up : 7:10am grr

U - underwear color : the

V - vacation destination : Maui

W - worst habit : saying “lol” after every sentence when i talk with friends DONT JUDGE ME it’ll go away soon 😌

X - x-rays you've had : i broke my finger once so uh one time??? (if you’re not counting dentist appointments)

Y - your favorite food : sushi (also boba tea but not a food so uh 😳)

Z - zodiac sign : leo ♌️ 

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- - hi mini update not rlly imp

Posted 2 years, 25 days ago by pikoki

favorite color? (generally)

2 Votes red
3 Votes orange
5 Votes yellow
6 Votes green
13 Votes blue (sameee)
3 Votes purple
1 Votes brown
3 Votes black (not a color actually)
2 Votes white (also not a color lol)
5 Votes can’t decide / i don’t have one :]

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oh man i haven’t logged on th in a while

but uh anyways !! i think i’ll be able to start drawing again soon since my ap test is towards the end of this week but i’m not too sure ^^’

i’m honestly so tired from studying but agh i cannot click with history it just does not make sense to me but oh well i still have many more hours of studying i wanna do before i feel fully prepared

but the good news is im only taking one ap class so once i finish this exam i’ll pretty much be pretty chill for the rest of the school year !! don’t get me wrong, i still have other classes with finals in june and such, but this ap class is pretty much the only one i struggle with so yea !!

there are lots and lots of personal art i want to get done with oh my gosh but uh i have a lot of ideas for adopts and new comm ideas so look out for those !! i think one or two of them include animation comms ooooh,, and then like pretty much the rest is fanart and animation ideas

but yea !! just note that for the next few days, responses will be a bit on the slow side,, i kind of don’t really have the energy to respond to ppl atm lol but im sure it’ll return once im done 

anyways ,, eat good food, drink water, get sleep, and do what makes you happy <33

i can’t wait to finally get more sleep each night instead of procrastinating on ap homework and studying aaaa

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- - style edit

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by pikoki


30 Votes :DDD
12 Votes :]
3 Votes :/
0 Votes :[
1 Votes :’[

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i drew this a bit ago but i wasn’t sure if i necessarily wanted to commit to drawing like this,, you can see in my never met meme on scratch that i kept switching back and forth between my current art style and this new one,, but i think i really like how this looks and it’s a lot easier to animate with !!

i’m still keeping the same of eyes tho, this is mainly about the body structure lol


also i’m gonna use this for some personal art later hehehh 

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- - animation + hiatus

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by pikoki

i’m eating cheezits right now

24 Votes YUM
2 Votes oh
11 Votes che

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what is that poll idek

yooo so that animation meme that i’ve been working on for a bit was finished so here it is !! : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/677950194/ 

this is mainly the reason why i haven’t uploaded anything in so long,, but it’s about to get longer because i’m taking an art hiatus

so uh yea not sure for how long but a few weeks i think,, uh it’s mostly personal reasons but another thing is that my ap test is coming up in like a few weeks and lemme tell you history and memory are not my forte so i really study up

so basically i’ll be checking th just as often as i would be but uh not gonna upload stuff in a while ( unless i do a tiny sketch or smth,, which by the way fun fact i don’t like stopping at a sketch because lineart and coloring are probably my favorite steps when drawing so leaving it as a sketch just feels like a waste,, so oop maybe no sketches )

but anyways,,, yea uH awkward moment figuring out how to end this

drink water, eat some food, get GOOD SLEEP looking at all of you guys,, also i’m actually bad but actually taking a deep breath through your nose and exhaling through your mouth is SO CALMING DO IT NOW unless you’re in a polluted or stinky area 😳

thanks for listening to me ramble ok bye lmao

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