Kids Of Yesterday

A semi-complicated web of mostly overlapping friend networks, most of them are extentions of myself/sonas in some form, others are just for fun. I don't really label which is which, so just assume they're all a piece of me. Please note some of the characters in 'kitchen sink' also have ties to these losers

Midding - the main group, everyone here is a fursona on some level... with varying degrees of 'accuracy'. They're all super codependent in the raw, desperate kinda way being hurt & extremely lonely often causes because I'm the author and I can make these descisions. Allegedly.

Scrap Bin - Lead by Peyton, Kendall's girfriend, this group is larger and everyone acts as a safety net for eachother. They're just as close as everone in midding.

Note: some SB characters are tagged 'vagabond', legally speaking they all dropped off the face of the planet at some point. They drift around because they can, and are included in the SB folder because they all know each other so which is which can get blurry

vagabond animorphs off