pokkle's Profile Comments

Hiya!! Thank you for favoriting Wings, and also subscribing to me! I appreciate it a lot :D
I'm curious! How come you ended up subscribing to me? And did you have any parts about Wings that you enjoyed most? ^^

hi! i came across you from someone elses profile where you asked a similar question and i checked ur page out bc ur icons really cute. i like all the info u have on wings and what he does and can do! i think its very creative

Aaaah, nice nice! I'm very appreciative when people give favorites, so I always make sure to thank them ^w^ I also love learning specifically why they favorite my character, since it helps give motivation to develop that aspect of them :D

I love making realistic robots with grounded abilities that aren't too sci-fi, since I have a dream to build them in real life one day ^w^ I'm really happy you like him!

building them IRL would be SO cool. i wish u the best of luck on that! i know it cant be easy. Oh and it makes me want to hurry up and design my own pkmn OCs

I know right!! It will most certainly be tough but I have hope!! I'm sure technology will improve in the future :D

You really ought to get to designing em! Do you think you might make your own robotic Pokemon too? ^^

idk about making a robotic one but maybe! im mostly looking at making a trainer sona and a bunch of fusions right now

2 Replies

peepee poopoo