ppetshopp's Bulletins

Who are your fave characters of mine?

Posted 6 months, 9 days ago by ppetshopp

Question stolen from Jones LOL,,,.but yeah just for fun!! Which of my guys is your fave? I’m curious who people like/find memorable/etc… 💕 

Graf-Palaka!!! Bugs, plants, corpses, and juicy lore oh my!!!

Here’s a link to their launch and free MYO event 💕 https://toyhou.se/~forums/50308.launch-event/459863.graf-palaka-official-launch 

Please note this is an 18+ species for themes of gore, death, etc!

Emergency funds needed urgently! ;;

Posted 7 months, 6 days ago by ppetshopp

EDIT: THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE, WE RAISED ENOUGH MONEY TO GET ME OUT OF THE RED!!!! 🙏 🙏 🤲 💕 No need to donate to me further, but I’m keeping my commissions open for a bit longer if anyone wants art! THANKS AGAIN SO MUCH AAAAA KISS KISS

Hey guys. This morning I woke up to an overdraft of $910.72. I’ve had to put my surgery bill payments on my credit card, and was absolutely blindsided that I’ve been charged the rest of the outstanding hospital stay balance as I’ve been paying steadily, but apparently it wasn’t fast enough for collections. And I can’t devote this week’s upcoming paycheck to helping to clear this, as my monthly car payment is due on the 11th.

I hesitate to re-open commissions while I still have a queue, but if you don’t mind a little wait, now would seriously be the most helpful time to me for buying one if you’ve been interested!!

I can also do customs, both one-off or CS, just feel free to inquire.



I also want to direct everyone to my resale folder!! I’ll be prioritizing USD, or mixed offers of USD + art if that’s more within your means!

And finally, if you’re not interested in anything on offer but still would like to/are able to help, my PayPal is here and available for direct donations https://www.paypal.me/MercuryTeeth and my CashApp is $ppetshopp 🙏 💕 Every little bit helps, and I appreciate anything anyone is able to contribute—and I’m sorry for having to make such a post. 😭 Thank you so, so much!!!

Diwamata Species Launch!!

Posted 7 months, 7 days ago by ppetshopp

This looks so awesome, a CS based on angel folklore from the Philippines omg!! 💕 Here’s their first MYO event!! :3


ninevolt jthm angelbark !!! Tagging u guys mwah 

To-do, update etc

Posted 7 months, 19 days ago by ppetshopp

Still suffering some health issues, I know I’ve been fairly quiet so I’m sorry about that. ;;;;; People are free to DM me on Discord and I’ll get back to you when I can…just as I was starting to feel better again, I caught the flu LOL 😭 

— I have some owed art to catch up on!! I have a full list but if you have concerns feel free to check-in; I’ll also be reaching out to people individually as I start to feel better too. 💕 

— I have some Angemos to work on! Everyone give a big warm welcome to Tirzah and Crocell, wooo! Doing a full design rehaul on Crocell, and basing them off of one of my oldest OCs, so that’s exciting…

— Literally all of my Succubuns need profiles I know, I have totally slacked and been dying. Who are these people??? You will know. Soon. When I have the beans to write. Yes.

— hi I miss you………I’m so tired of situations and sickness occurring, goddAMN!!! 

Seeking humanoid design commission(s)!

Posted 7 months, 28 days ago by ppetshopp

Good morning guys! 💖 Looking for some extra USD? Want to add another CS example to your design portfolio? I’m looking for potentially two doll forms (the humanoid versions!) for two of my premade Succubuns, and since I bond more strongly with designs by my friends, I wanted to offer the opportunity to you guys and not just in-server! 💕 

Per the Succubun species rules and policy, you must be 21+ in order to participate, and this includes doing commission art of people’s buns, so do not apply if you’re 20 or under. Please respect this boundary!🙏 

Without further ado!! Here’s who I’m looking forrrr…

Danica, my koidrop created bun: 


And Idunn, my Chaunter created bun:


Please comment with a link to your art examples if you might be interested in designing their humanoid forms!! If you have a preference for which character, feel free to specify. 💕 The reference you’ll be drawing will be SFW and fully clothed.

Thanks guys and I’m excited to see if anyone is interested!! 🤲 💖 Love u…

Apparently people have asked…so no. No you guys, the cute little shapeshifted bunny forms aren’t allowed to have sex ok………god fucking help m



Posted 8 months, 16 days ago by ppetshopp

Hey everyone just want to give a minor health update, I am in the midst of a bad flare of my chronic condition that started on the 22nd. Been sleeping a lot of dealing with symptoms and might have to have another emergency surgery scheduled before year’s end. As I result I haven’t been able to keep up on my art queue, or be as social and chatty as I wish to be, and I’m so sorry for my sudden absence/silence, but thank you for understanding!! 🙇‍♀️ I hope I can be back at it soon…saw the doctor today and hoping I’ll get scan results tomorrow or Monday… 💪 ✨ I miss ya!!! 😭 

So I was thinking about making a private, authorized list specifically for 18+ content about my characters…it would mostly be written sexy details as a tab in their profiles, maybe some suggestive art I don’t feel comf just having out in the open full blast, but probably not any full-on sexual nudity because I’m still pretty private about my NSFW art LMFAO 😭 Feel free to comment if you’d like to be put on the 18+ list!!


— You absolutely 100% have to be an adult yourself to have access to this list. If I can’t see your age somewhere/don’t know it already, do not request.

— Please like…be my buddy or at least we’ve talked before once or twice LOL I don’t want total strangers looking at my OCs’ junk ok, I will get shy and die don’t do that to me!!!

— I am transfem and intersex and bi and T4T, so expect mostly sex between trans people!! If you are easily made dysphoric of non-op/not full-op trans characters in sexual situations, I wouldn’t advise you request to subscribe.

— It’s mostly going to be my CS characters with a little whisper of my one-off OCs I think.

— All of my characters I’ll be portraying in these situations are adults in both physical age and mental maturity.

Anyway yeah….hey. Fingerguns!!! Gay shit.

Commission and adopts ping?

Posted 9 months, 28 days ago by ppetshopp

Hiiiii, so a lovely person asked last night if I had a pinglist and I DON’T RIGHT NOW…I’m really humbled and flattered that there’s interest for something like that! ;w; Feel free to comment below if you’d like to be pinged for commission openings, adopts, or both……thank you!! 💕