puppydog's Bulletins

Raffle Winner!

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by puppydog

Congrats to the owner of Ticket 40! Mavis3!

Thank you to all who entered. I'll have a way more organized raffle now that I understand how the website works ^_^ !!


  1. Nouseryet
  2. okamimio
  3. emmeryy
  4. sunclawss
  5. giornogiovanna
  6. Sleepy_xerelius
  7. MonteSmith
  8. ArentIFynny
  9. EdensTears
  10. halstarlight
  11. Dragonbreath545
  12. NifeWoofy
  13. Bleedingrosepetalz
  14. Quarter_Monomunze
  15. Malchior
  16. Pug_ggy
  17. eathrid
  18. toonyliv
  19. glitchbitez
  20. cafune
  21. VesperLeo
  22. FoxShadeZ
  23. ColdPixelz
  24. Dannysrs
  25. OctoTape
  26. clownyirl
  27. ToucanDraws
  28. cogcow
  29. Miamicore
  30. YoruKaiyxoo
  31. bri_xoxo
  32. 3dogband
  33. Doxidoodleloo
  34. yaifiz
  35. CallMeMax
  36. nerdycereal
  37. TriMango
  38. neco-arc
  39. miynn
  40. Mavis3
  41. Arisaline
  42. DessertDingo
  43. Ango
  44. priyu
  45. CherryFanta
  46. CorruptToast
  47. nyaar0n
  48. nyoomm
  49. SpiritTide
  50. S3L3V3R
  51. Bebe
  52. Popii_Mations
  53. QwyrMeyer
  54. Wanveil
  55. SparrowZeDemon
  56. prowoton
  57. phrethia