puppygrr's Profile Comments

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no problem! i felt bad for the troubles so i decided to give you some art:)

Okay wait I'm sorry I love every single character in your unloved folder what-

I'm so confused I wanna offer but there's so many 💀💀 help?? 

haha don’t be shy to offer! i kinda hate them:,) i accept lowballs for some too!

i’ll accept USD, AC, art, characters, customs, etc- i just want em gone 😭 

I can also put ab tickets on the table if that interests ya 😭 Ahh I can also offer some trades from my unsorted and some art depending on how much you are interested in. 

Unfortunately I cannot do usd because it's not my currency, neither can I use PayPal,,  but I can also do customs! 

Again all depends 😭 ion even know who I'm offering for from em all, they're just so amazing 

i’d be interested in ab tickets! and sadly no one interested me from unsorted 😭 

i’d definitely accept art! i would accept small amounts of it too ^^

and that’s okay! just lmk whoever you find most interests in!





I probably will offer on these specifically, I ca maybe do two ab tickets, a full or two, maybe a custom? 🤔 I definitely can add, 

i can accept two ab tickets, two fulls, and a custom! dm on amino? (amino is shep on furry ac adopts and furry)

1 Replies

Hello! Is this Aviator on 🐺 Furry Ac Adopt 🦊? If so the code 75VD4A. Please send the code to the staff member that is checking your th and reply here with the name of the staff member helping you. 

Frank the Rat


