Plushie Melee

A girl has in her possession one of a set of alien artifacts (a pendant passed down in her family). Many warring factions are attempting to regain possession of it, as it will make the owner’s wishes come true when combined with the other two artifacts (a ring and a sword).

Two of these aliens, Kagemi and her sidekick Natsumi, wind up befriending the girl with the pendant after learning just how important it is to her. They swear to get their hands on the other two to make her wishes come true.

sehashi human dragonrider Keverynn sailormoon vaen god Dulanenn senshi ferali goddess dragonage stargate Xuwenn sailor Goddess Antaha antagonist Sehashi olympia stellaric animamate Telvan artfight constellation teamnightmare Elysium guardian Telvanite gargoyles pakkeli species naga Lunyari God farmer Naga Doval pony soulforge alliance stardew chromatic stardew valley Ankaterr Dragon Warrior wolfling elf lunyari Dovalian order of the rose Wolf Warrior gemstone ssu-ling rose knight Dragonlord Zalityu Ferali closed species Imperial General Human sage Sky Lord Fox Warrior trivia invasion aspect elfquest star wars Sorcerer Tower Master Darkrider Nomad Zalite Cult dragon trio pakaasu inquisition Agent First Set book 1 Tash Kireil triad Warrior thief hero Kasheran Second Set siathi Nightlord prince shards of phaeton Hety bssme opposito Shanshiire Pakkeli book 2 queen division 3 laisheen healer trinity sdv Eiyala elysium division 2 spirit guardian grand council sheruul sloan ikaashiran teamprimary Alastea Freeborn Princess Elysium High Empress Centauricorn draco hetya pern dwarf Host Auric Troupe shaithen myo gehenna Khun-Lun High telvan jiinal raven tiger twin pavesi knight Dailen final fantasy dungeons and dragons queenrider turned Grandmaster telvanite Twin Tales of Feralia unicorn lords of chaos pegasus silver water aiella custom qondreon centauricorn elder world Sisterhood Academy Bandit Vaen shanshiire Emperor badb ophiuchus monoceros zalgriv shining light academy Shriilar trainer kaltreshnal Jiyuron blademaster keverynn blue villain Team Joker RPG setting deity Priestess Wolfling nightlord kasheran onyx eris aquila Becina ancient swaidel Letrayen Taleer kairyyl charity rogue Dawnsisters Weyr teamrgb beneath the waves creator khalen Thaumaturge Jakkar Quicksilver Ksei nightseal darkwave MYO dancer Kolob Ashuvaliarr Water Lord Metal Lord Tiger Warrior Nuren Dancer crystal vulpina eglantine hades Kydoimos maat police larimar sabik Equashil Rotilian Swaidel Fleuriel Trellari Thauland gem pony hippocampus Pizzleti gen 1 demita celtic triad gyokuei Ambrivan lemea blue dragon quinglong air truth hope courage Tora Badlands regal water demon Nomaien lorg anfaid forrester xiosh Neklea animal guardian HoD sentinel Sheromi scholar felinas Anjusketlen draconar Zuulprinut Pakaasu Chiri andulai nomaien Jiinal archer protection star order tauraan summoner final fantasy x-2 lily reveling nagi siulia fushigi yuugi star trek osi contellation black acai kepler Quelovese barbarian raphidian cyan great one dralaar Euunac Flare Levina Quinglong teamrbg pink dash art history commissions open FFXIV design priestess emperor onix shejoran NPC adopted Hana .Elysium High Silence Storm Vega Jiyandi Aenek Ophalia Summer Surann Xillar Deiwynn Rishna Kori Keshinyu scythe Darksun Immortal Chufagon nightmare Riuri Erenya jiinalese Fox Wolf Jinalese teir tigron poseidon coelus artemis fan soulfeather north star Pearl tahirah Chimera Raeshen cepheus Hydra Orion becina Feralia wings tundra single Maaha olive assassin sailor equuleus qilin phaeton eridanos hinome Maple truthsinger rotillian cyvvan Kinshei empress scientist Egypt Traioshian Llodi lohaid haven Division 2 Mage Raitelpet Khalen moon xill Yenus Prime division 4 creature fish navigator fate xii final fantasy x high elf enveret thuban neuter horyuu Vioth Weyr enterprise ryuutenshi egyptian starinfinity bracer warlock Sloan Vethian chief priest leader dralaari trellari Wizard Eclipse EVHS Zhuque leisure literature alliance Au Ra Angel kurawca digimon Gathering of the Black Hand advisor cleric uranus Prince Archer Pyre Joker Dumia Corentin Hyun Swimmer Asharos Autumn Anghiel Darkmoon Tnethrann Terunn Chumetaly Yanoltelann Darksaber Nightbird Bamharr Dae Kaloolom Heliacal Heliacal court zalite doval Fire Lord Earth Lord Wood Lord Bard Musician Jacknight talisman yan vulturia tellus aeon dog aprodite Jade carnelian Gehenna altair Hydraeus Nagreshh apple king earth pony like trader Juuou equuleus celeris nimue tokeisou kasui meikyuu baihu fire strength wisdom durjuti division 1 Raiven library Chaudyu Taishora Vulturia laira coal Jelaar scirqeox Tirizar jiyuron Chel Kairyyl Vetolxosed Belfeklaren jupiter sun amethyst tower Earth Stolen bride strange light memory paladin final fantasy xii x-2 DD saya speerite procyon Dralaari rashalan bssm kiseki thraecian messier VTS eiyala nagreshh mirphak Freyn Galia teamcmyk entertainment science geography commission quetzalcoatl Xaela Dulanen Liulge soldier kirin class 3 sailor academy Ashrinn Dionne Fate Cory Allan Jin Drianna Mikia Jamekel Lithayann Rialsirsha Nightshade Regal lunyari Naev Daeschell Sil Vali Archivist Olympian zalityu dovalian Cecaelia Tiger Impirial Healer cat UFT kousei fox slither danika melanthe zeus thanatos chronos ares apollo elite kitalpha Polaris Cygnus Lyra Perseus merchant Ciheim princess peryton sunwing medium Kiiai eachna tosui blodeuwedd reisei maaha persona half breed earth raeshen Kaltreshnal Raishuten intergalactic Hero adelaide traios cluster teerla astarte Walafon IV chihur dishanon tora Soulforge Alliance Felinas Shinhojuan Ijilprtkolu emerald tower monster luce mervesi obbit abundance reborn Sheruul viera blitzball kilika half elf dwam ikashiran viellar Ukhad crossover mage artificier barnard allamian android silly rotilian nagreshhi deneb Oedaal Snow Ching Tu Xuanwu charm sports nature trivia sehashi commissions Aura WoL priest aetherium author crystal animamates rifter Class 4 mixed race Hatemi Shield Stargazer University Typhoon Kamien Yakima Winter Spring Batruss Darkrdier