purepeacetea's Bulletins

New Cool Species

Posted 10 months, 9 days ago by purepeacetea


First Bulletin (tbh i had to google how to make one idk what im doing so this probably gonna be bland idk how to format or add photos lol)

So theres a new species my friend has made, Kadonuls, they are really cool and you should check it out, and also FORCE everyone/everything you know. Your parents, you grandparents, great grandparents, your pets, even that random half drank water bottle you have in your room (i have cameras everywhere)

They also have a event to get your own MYO so click this link its pretty easy process Toyhouse

AND JOIN THE DISCORD SERVER https://discord.gg/jE4ce6WCkx like do it

Anyway yea thats my ad, probably better then any ad you've seen before too ik im that great at this yea yea i know
