

“Once upon a time, there were no two great kingdoms. Here was a huge kingdom and it had a really strong ruler.  The Ruler(king) had two sons - Leo and Gray.  They got along well, although they were not at all like each other.  Leo was very open and honest, Gray was cunning and selfish.

The boys grew up, changed outwardly, but their personalities remained the same.  Leo studied well, because he knew that he, as an older brother, should become king after his father passes.  Gray always remained in Leo's shadow, he was very unhappy with this, because his brother always tried to please everyone.

Time passed quickly, Leo had already found a woman who would become a queen and help him with his work.  Gray, on the other hand, remained invisible to the royal family, however, he was still able to find someone as cunning as himself.  Everything was fine until tragedy struck - king and his wife died of an illness.  Leo, as the heir, was to become the next leader of the kingdom.

Gray continued to hang around behind him and make plans with his wife.

 “ I really didn't want to just live in a royal house, I wanted something more - to become the master of everything around me”.
 Envy ate him from the inside, and he decided to act quickly.

Right before the ceremony, he intercepted Leo and his wife, killed them, and took the throne himself.  Part of the people was against him, so all the residents were divided into two sides - for and against the Gray.  The emblem of the first was the Lion - honesty.  The coat of arms of the second was the Wolf - cunning.  Why are there those who are so vile and cruel?  Everything is not so simple, he promised lots of gold to everyone who would support him.  And it wasn’t even a joke, because the kingdom wasn’t poor at all.  But what happened next - no one remembers.  All the truth is written in an ancient language in old lost books, and this legend is just a rumor passed down by the royal family.  But suddenly they are pure truth?


A kingdom in the rocky mountains, which is warmed by the bright sun all year round.  No one has ever seen snow there, but sometimes it rains heavily in autumn.  The buildings are very old, some areas are even abandoned, and some are still inhabited.  Residents in the large valley in front of the mountain grow the best tea and flowers, which are often visited by travelers and merchants.  The symbol is a lion, which speaks of courage and strength.  The kingdom has many fountains with crystal clear water, surrounded by avenues with beautiful plants.  You can come there for a walk or drink fresh water after hard work.  In the center of the kingdom is the royal house, where the king and his relatives live.  If desired, relatives can move to a separate house, so every week residents gather under the windows and thank him, and not everyone likes to hear this in the morning.

The kingdom itself is not very big, surrounded by huge walls with the main entrance - the Gate of Pride.  On both sides of it stand golden lions guarding the heart.  The coin is a torresiin, it is made of pure gold, in the middle of which is a lion made of torresite - a bright yellow-hot stone that glows in sunlight.


Power in the kingdom belongs to the monarch and is inherited. The coronation ceremony takes place during a solar eclipse, because only at this time the sun and the moon line up, "uniting", which is considered a good sign and gives the heir the ability to unite people around him.

Below in rank are the scribe and adviser, who are appointed by the monarch himself and are often someone from close acquaintances.


The inhabitants of the kingdom believe in gods to whom they bring gifts.

-  Tenares is the god of harvest.  He is brought a part of the grown to propitiate and get the same as this year.

-  Nagutem is the weather god.  Morning dew is brought to him so that he helps with watering the crops.

-  Galatea is the only living goddess, daughter of Nagutem.  She is the patroness of deep waters and the lunar eclipse.

- Sherasion is the god of happiness and the future.  Gold is brought to him to help him find a good companion and help him arrange a wonderful life.


or “Dead Land”

Once a huge kingdom that plunged into darkness.  His symbol was a wolf - courage, victory.  It was famous for its gold products and rare fabrics.  A long time ago, there was a war between two kingdoms.  The kingdom of Torrestown won, even though it looked weaker.  Most of the inhabitants died, some escaped, others became prisoners of Torrestown.  Some of the inhabitants of Darkland were freed, and they mixed their blood with the native population.  Now this kingdom is full of ghosts, fog and ruins.  Only the brave can come there and remember their roots.

In order to solve the mystery of the empty city, three boys will go on a long interesting journey to find out what really happened in those ancient times