quietskitty's Profile Comments

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You're welcome! I'm so glad you like them. c:

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You're welcome! I'm so glad you like it!

OMG I ADORE THE ARTWORK OF WORMHOLE!! The pose is so cute and the animated sparkles add so much flavour <33 tysm!!

You're welcome! I'm so glad you like it! Wormhole's design is absolutely gorgeous, and I just had to draw him as soon as I saw him in your gallery.

Hello! Just wanted to say thank you for filling my unfilled claim I appreciate it a lot, and the chibi is super cute! Thank you for drawing Haze~ 

No problem! I'm glad you like it! c:

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You're welcome!

TYSM FOR THE ART OF BELUGA ITS SO SO CUTE!! i love it so so much omg <3

You're welcome!! I'm so glad you like it! Her design is fantastic, and I loved drawing her!

i'm so glad!! tysm for the compliments on her design <3 i love the art so much and i am so thankful for it :)

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You're welcome! I'm so glad you like it! Tranquility has such a pretty color palette, and I really enjoyed drawing them! :)