quinn08's Bulletins

ocs!!!! and website!!!!

Posted 1 month, 24 days ago by quinn08

hey!!! sorry for not being super active on here. thank you anyone who subscribed to this account also lol. just wanted to make this bulletin kind of as a note/reminder to myself to update my toyhouse more i guess! also, speaking of updating... i know the bunny bunny comic hasn't been updated in a bit but hopefully before the end of this month i'll find some time to make some new pages for it! 

also! i revamped my website homepage! idk if it looks better but i'm happier with it being a bit neater and stuff so. feel free to take a look if you want. im in the processing of revamping my neocities in general to make it a bit more professional looking. if that makes sense. thats what i wanted to do before but i got a bit sidetracked and now i just want it to look clean and fun at the same time. sorry i'm not making much sense, i've got my biology homework on the brain.

anyways. thanks for reading this and if you didn't thats cool too! 



Posted 8 months, 19 days ago by quinn08

HELLO!!! this is my first bulletin post, and i feel like this a perfect time to make one! going to be talking about some oc stuff.

for starters, I am going to be renaming my oc world, celestina's comet, to "lori-paradox". the name "celestina's comet" was originally inspired by the webcomic
laika's comet", but other than liking that name idea and how it sounded when i said it, the inspiration ends there, and i'd just like to have something a bit more original and fitting to my characters and story. (the name was also kinda just meant to be a working title but i was too busy with school at the time to come up with a better name i guess...?) will be creating a new logo with the new name promptly, likely soon after i post this bulletin. :)

i also wish to rewrite and extend lori-paradox so it is more accurate to what i want it to be! the original short story for it can still be found under the original name on the character folder for my lori-paradox characters and on my neocities as well, but keep in mind its dubiously canon to the ocs of lori-paradox and such.

also . . . . i've very recently added a "my species" folder to this account, the main reason being i need to keep all of the alien species which will likely only exist within the universe of my previously mentioned oc world and story, lori-paradox. The first addition to this folder are Solarians, which i have been working on for a bit, but have only now gotten around to writing coherent lore for and to making a good species sheet! i'm pretty proud of their page and also very tired after writing it and finishing their species sheet... I also plan on giving xelma a fresh new redesign in accordance to my species design changes also.

 anyways, just wanted to write down some news and such. thanks for reading this bulletin man!!!! @_@