rabidmomento's Profile Comments

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>> https://linktr.ee/rabidmomento <<

timezone is AEST

Hello! Can I know who made your pixel pfp?? :0c

Love your adorable characters! Just wanted to put that out in the world. 🥰

awww thank you sm 💖💖💖

thank you for the bunny oc :)

np ^_^

hi, i was seeing abt putting this: https://toyhou.se/11722999.bun-bun-a-k-a-usa-usa-nfo character up for offers, is that ok? and if yes, do you remember how much i bought them for?

ah I don't remember but you can sell them for any amount, I don't mind 

ok, ty :3

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hm? what's up?

tysm for the sub!! <3