

Coordinate: -2,0 -- Found in: 04-2019 -- Subject: Dark Historical Fantasy
External Links: Visiostro Wiki -- Webcomic: WEBTOONS/

Portmanteau of: Visi (East), Ostro (West)
Former Title: "Gothwest"

Based on the chronological benchmark of the base sector (0,0)'s discovery, This group is the fifth group found within the whole Rafimizaxes plane. However, since the X axis is sorted by Chronological Evolution, placing itself in the coordinate of -2,0 due to its archaic world.

A historical fiction about gallimaufries of entities united and divided in the Occident Europe. Equipped with magic spells, family traditions and questionable morals, they exist to solve mysterious things while also causing new ones.
Set in an alternate 1940s where instead of World War 2, it was worldwide espionage where spies take advantage of sorcery to pit a nation against its own people to destroy itself from the inside.

Warning: May contain mentions of graphic violence.