Violence District

/cw: all forms of violence,murder,gore,assault,abuse,kidnapping

The Violence District, A city district of serial killers and the deranged. Only the most deprived, sick, brutal, and inhuman individuals live here. Differentiated by killing styles, masks, roles, and fixations- They lurk the darkness searching for someone to harm. To satiate their bloodlust if only for a moment. Every individual has their own reasons, methods, and ... wants. So rarely do they align within each-others’. Making other killers just more competition- adding to the ruthlessness and brutality stirring within them.

The city is barren, empty, and dark. And while the sky rise lights all seem to be on for the most part, it cannot be confirmed if there are or were ever any residents. A similar situation applies to the streets- where you would typically expect a city to be bustling with cars... there are hardly any. And none are seen driving by. They’re all parked. Some crashed, some looted. But never driven. You get the feeling that if you were to start the engine... you would attract the attention of something dangerous. If you see a car idling or driving slowly. Run and hide. Do not look back, do not approach it. Run.

Streetlights are functional save for a few, but never appear to provide any substantial glow... as if the night itself suffocates the light’s range. There’s no way of seeing what’s ahead of you, or hiding just outside the tiny circle of light beneath the post. It always feels like someone is watching you. Like someone is just a few steps behind you... shadowing your every move.

The atmosphere is eerily silent. Even your own footsteps don’t make enough noise to bring comfort. Crickets can sometimes be heard echoing in the distance- although you don’t know if it’s real or your mind making up sounds to feel safer. And when something does break the silence... it feels deafening. Abrupt and jarring. The screams of someone in the distance. The sound of footfalls coming closer. A thudding sound in an alleyway...

—The alleyways....

The alleyways are even darker... tight corners, claustrophobic narrow passages, garbage piled up into dead ends... Never find yourself in one. You will never exit alive.

Garbage and rubble covers many streets. Possibly remnants of the functioning past of this district, strewn about on the asphalt. The garbage stinks to high heaven... but there’s a sour foul smell wafting underneath the trash. And upon closer inspection, under the rotting newspapers and brown mushy food scraps... Human skin peeks out. Just visible enough to be undeniably human. Matted hair and puddles of blood decorate the compost... And when you gaze into a dumpster— it’s contents gazed back at you.

Your stomach turns.

Dumpsters filled to the brim with human remains. Blood crusted clothing jammed in the hinges of the lid, stiff fingers curled... reaching out of the bin at the night sky.

It’s always night here. The darkness covers up every death, hiding violence in plain sight. Making it so they can see you... but you can’t see them. A crime scene could await around every corner... but you won’t know until it’s too late. Alleys filled with corpses. Bodies hanging from lampposts. Trails of blood smeared down the pavement into an abandoned building... You will never know until you blindly trip over the body... Until you’re kidnapped and killed or worse...

You’re at their mercy. You’re always at their mercy.
And they have none.

No one knows if this district is even real, or where it is. Some say this place is hell. That each aspect of the district represents a different layer.

the seemingly endless empty streets of the city. Lost souls wander its blocks waiting for a day that will never come.
Deprived individuals with sick fascinations lurk in the shadows. Their minds twisted with an endless insatiable, and ever-worsening lust for harm.
Cannibals and “Butchers” await a fresh new cut of meat. Longpig served while its still “living”.
Murderers with thieving tendencies... Sometimes stealing body parts for their collections, other times looking for something more shiny. They will take everything from you and the city that surrounds you.
Violent. Brutal. Unrelenting. They kill for the sake of killing. They’re unpredictable and cannot be reasoned with. They want to kill you and they will at any chance they get. Body count is all that matters.
The streets are an unholy combination of delusion and destruction. A silent methodical chaos bent on hurting anyone at any cost. You swear you hear voices telling you to join them. Stop being prey when you can be the hunter. If you take lives then they’ll respect you. then they’ll stop.
The body of this city is violence. cloaked by the night, masked by the silence. But it never stops. As constant as the skyrise lights and the stars in the sky. The violence never stops. Fraud: Masks portraying smiles dance in the corner of your eye, donned by individuals whose body language shows anything but joy. Sometimes these people will try to trick you. They’ll try to lure you closer, fool you into a false sense of security. But no one in this district is to be trusted. There is not a single kind soul in this city. Not even you.
As soon as you let your guard down... even for a second- it’s over. They will kill you. They watch with predatory glares, stalking until you show weakness. And the moment you do, they strike. Your name added to a list somewhere, your body a trophy perhaps- or maybe just discarded behind a dumpster. You may not even get that luxury, and be left where you stood moments ago. You were a fleeting satisfaction to a psycho in a mask. Now left to lay in your blood as the darkness of the city consumes you too.

If you find yourself in the Violence District. It’s already too late. The second you step foot into these dark streets, you’ve overstayed your welcome.