rainfalls's Bulletins

[ Good Ladder ]

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by rainfalls

Good ladder!! Hru today?

3 Votes what
1 Votes what
2 Votes what

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SO- short context first :]

I've sent an essay that we had as for homework to my English teacher yesterday, like I usually do.

But this time the responses were a bit off-

I quote:

"Buna scara!

I'm certain scuzzy, sper ca acumen doc. pdf este in regula acum."

Now the email was- half english and half romanian [except for acumen- that I never heard before lmfao] so let me translate

"Good ladder!

I'm certain scuzzy, I hope that now doc. pdf is okay."


So yep. I'm never using auto-correct ever again in my life and from now on I'm going to greet all of you with "good ladder" :]]]

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[-InTown- ↝ -qhostTown-]

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by rainfalls

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Oh yay I'm late to smth once again-

Well, better later than never :]]

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new profile code coming soon....

[ How long's it been since raffle?]

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by rainfalls


Yup, I'm playing the ultimate game of luck again. /j

[[ Comms OPEN!!! ]]

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by rainfalls

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 Comms are Open again!! ^^ 

I'm in need of points so commissions are now open :')

I'll probably close them again if I get too busy though, school is taking most of my free-time so yeah- less time to draw and animate for me :'/

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[ Full MAP part is out!! ]

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by rainfalls

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Okay so for those who don't remember, here's the first bulletin for ya! You don't have to read it tho, it's just a wip of what's presented in this bulletin lol-


Moving on, the map part that little animation was from is finally out!! :D [on Scratch]

>> https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/569854991<<

There it is! My beauty :000

It's been a whole lot of frustration, working on that THING but I'm actually pretty proud of the end result, ngl >:3


Okay bye now it's late lmao--

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[ WHY /srs ]

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by rainfalls

Tw: Dumb and childish homophobia, swearing

It's also gonna be a bit long since I don't have the energy to shorten it,,, 

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So today was my first day of school with classes.

And they were all Great!!

I really enjoyed my day ^^


But in the last break, me and my 2 good irl friends saw a few of our classmates talking in a corner of the school garden.

So, like normal people, we went to join the chat, and they asked us if we were pro or con LGBTQ+ (well, as they said, LGBT, which kinda tells that they didn't even know well what they were actually talking about??)

And we said yes, ofc- I mean, I'm still questioning but I'm pretty sure that I'm asexual/demiromantic and one of my friends is a demisexual girl (and even has a girlfriend that moved to the Czech Republic). I'll call that friend Lily from now on :')


And the second we said yes they were like- "EW, stay away from me then!!" and took distance. AND WELL THEY DID

If you're queerphobic, at least keep away from the other people who support queer people and LGBTQ+ >:(

So another girl that I'm going to refer to as Lucy, heard the little conversation and came and said that she supports LGTBQ+ and asked if any of us is actually part of the community. And Lily said yes, because she is.

Now you have to understand that Lily is pretty much introverted and she is also pretty sensible /pos

And so they started talking in a corner for like a minute and then Lucy stepped away from Lily and shout out loud that Nope, she is definitely counter LGBTQ+ and joined the other girls.


I was fucking boiling. I mean- WTF!? The group from earlier had risen the urge to punch a wall in me but like- WT ACTUAL F



And Lily, as a rational human being, tried talking to them. And then left and went up in class, a couple minutes later, almost crying.


I wonder why I want to dropkick someone rn.


And there wasn't even a conclusion to this whole thing. Lily feels like shit, those kids are still as dumb as ever and they don't seem to want to change any soon. I bet it was the first ever time they actually heard of LGBTQ+ and they started hating it right away.

And Lucy won't even say sorry. My other friend, which is straight but still supports the community, talked to her after school and asked her to say sorry.

The only thing Lucy said was "I like your backpack"

Are you fucking kidding me?

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Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by rainfalls

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It's a shot from a MAP part on Scratch that I'm working on rn >v<

[also sorry, the quality sucks, but I had to import it from krita->firealpaca and that kinda broke it pff-]



That is Ivypool from warrior cats btw hehe

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