rainfalls's Bulletins

[ Adopt Interest Check ]

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by rainfalls

Would you buy?

4 Votes Yes
2 Votes No

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Interest check for a spooky adopt I was planning on doing but I'm too insecure to simply post.

[Ik I'm late but better later than never right? :')]



There it is, in all of it's glory.

So the question is simple- Would you buy? Doesn't matter if you're broke, just tell me, if you had enough points, would you buy?

Also simple poll because I don't have enough energy to think of fun options lol-

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Yeah, if you hadn't noticed, this new beauty popped up earlier today :') [talking ab IC]

Long story short, I disconnected with both Iry and Olive [old Owly], and decided to make myself a new truesona, this time without thinking too much ab the design and just going with the flow.

So now it's ready ^^

And I'm very happy with her, I don't think I'm going to dump Owly too soon [like I did with all my other sonas o_o"]

So please only consider Owly my main sona from now on ^^"

Iry and Olive are now in my sona category and I wish them a good rest :')

I might make a story folder to put them two and Queen in there since they kinda are in a story rn- But I've been quite busy with school lately so that may or may not happen, depending on how much time I've got lol.


Now a bit more about Owly- 

First things first, she's not from Earth :') And on the reference it's written "skull", but the white thing covering her face is more like a mask [a bone mask and no, it's not bloody and it's not gross either].

And under the mask, if you ever decide to draw her without it, which I wouldn't recommend unless I told you to do so specifically, is her true form. Which is just some kind of black goo-ish, airy, glitchy substance.

I just thought that's worth mentioning.

And she has no backstory, I tried building up some background for Iry and that caused me to lose connection really quickly so no backstory. Nor personality description.

She's my truesona, her personality is just me as an alien cat.


That would be all ig. 

Another thing is that I've been thinking to go on hiatus because of all the pressure school put on me and the lack of time to draw anymore, but we're going on holiday for 2 weeks because of covid now so I really don't know what to say.

Guess we'll find out later.

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[ Oh wow- I animated... again ]

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by rainfalls

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I both love and hate this so much ahdgjdbfbddbjd


I might upload it to da if I have time to convert it but now it's late so bye.

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[ I- ]

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by rainfalls

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This is the sketch for a frame in one of my map parts-

What the hell is wrong with me.


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[ Myo Thingy /nm ]

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by rainfalls


Cool myo I've been waiting for for motnhs :]]

[ New pf done! ]

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by rainfalls

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It's so frigging hard to successfully convert bootstrap to custom colors but


It's finally done!! >:3

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[ Title ]

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by rainfalls

-I just got mad at the title don't mind that-

I just want to.... t a l k lately

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If anyone was wondering why I haven't posted any spooky content [or any kind of content at all lol] yet, 

Well it's because I'm a procrastinator :')

And I have school. And next to no time to draw anymore :D yay /s

Aand because I may have been animating again hehe- and this time I have a strict deadline since it's a halloween map part so even more time consumed heh-

So yeah, here's a little update! :)

I'm planning on focusing more on animating from now on than I am on actually drawing stuff and designing-

Yeah, that was kinda the main purpose of my art accounts from the very beginning and I may or may not have drifted off the tracks a bit ^^" maybe-

Just a little bit.

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