That Other Thing

"Two 'lucky' winners will get to spend the whole week with Billy and Robert!" Oh God, no.


needsmorefromme canine bald cisnt pointyS murderer pointyL feline cannibal fav bad boye neutral boye want rn good boye spotty bully wolfish domestic cat hooved shepherds floppyL Fav Wah dobieish big cat gorl wah floppyS dead Canine Spotty Bad boye small cat emo hair pointyM demon Dobieish FloppyS deer Sale Bully rabbit mustelid vulpine FloppyL Emo hair droopy Big Cat sona goat Gorl Want rn dragon seal Collieish PointyS Shepherds Domestic Cat Feline sheep reaper horse collieish Seal shark cousins sona rat Bald Needsmorefromme pokemon Hooved racc AWD bear Big cat gator Murderer female Bull haventdrawnyet bat Good boye Brothers Sona semisona main red panda arpg Demon alpaca Vulpine PointyL yeen red fox needmorefromme SemiSona weasel Bear Deer Rabbit Arpg Racc snow leopard male Dragon Sixsixsix