
shift your hate to whoever's next in line.


"Main" universe and simply a hub for my main/priority worlds. None of the worlds are connected to each other in some way and there's no deep reason why they're all caught under the title "Phantasmia". There's not much to say about Phantasmia as a whole, so just check individual folders for basic individual lore.



fh/no offers

hey, do you want to run away?


Lots of details still need to be fleshed out, but basically a fictional world inspired by analogue/rpgmaker brand horror where lots of the stories here focus on paranormal or supernatural activities that are going on. There isn't a singular story though as opposed to a bunch of stuff just going on.



fh/no offers

lets become gods now!


Kind of self explanitory from the title. ocs here are all based off fandoms or established universes in media. More often than not they may exist in a separate "timeline" from the main ploto or be a standalone/misc oc as opposed to interacting with the current events or main cast. Fandom-specific folders are included if I've made enough ocs to warrant that.

what do i

even put


i dreamed of rich colors...


catch-all folder for misc ocs that don't fit any existing folder as of now idk just go check individual folders here for what's up bc there's my cs characters to sonas that exist here. if you find any characters that don't particularly seem like i have use for them you can maybe offer but please still check the tags if i'm open to hear them out

what do i

even put


humans raising hell project moon sona cs the queendom limbus company demons lit inspired MILGRAM odeverse original oddities original oc human sorry phantasmia dreadnaut schropara fantasy