
The Clan of the Rising Sun, also known as Sunclan, is a clan led by XXX.

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Occupies the territory outlined in sky blue on the map, home to the bottom of the Landmark called the Highriver.
The Highriver is a waterfall, the top of which resides in Skyclan's domain and the bottom of which is in the Sunclan territory. This has been a constant point of contention and strife between the two clans over the years. Despite only presiding over half of the Landmark, Skyclan still enjoys some of its magical benefit. The Highriver is a Landmark that boasts magical abundance. Fishing trips to its banks always have a heightened return, and any crops cultivated near its banks experience a heightened yield. Any magic performed near its banks for purposes of hunting or cultivating food is boosted. Those provided for by the Highriver will never go hungry. Sunclan is constantly defending the Highriver from Skyclan, who hopes to take the Highriver entirely for themselves. Members of Sunclan view their fierce possessiveness of the Landmark as not only completely justified, but also as a defensive action rather than an offensive one.

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Once upon a time Sunclan and Skyclan were a single clan, however due to a multitude of factors the two factions split and become dire enemies. The original clan was merely called Mountainclan, and after its reigning leader Highstar was killed, the clan broke into two factions over Highstar's would-be successor and the disagreement quickly devolved into war. Sunclan was the name for the faction in favor of Highstar's eldest kit and heir apparent, Apex, to ascend to leadership-- while Skyclan was the name for the faction in favor of the most qualified cat, Highstar's right hand and deputy, Zenith. The two factions developed names for their opponents during the fighting, each believing themselves to be the true Mountainclan-- but when the conflict reached its climax and the clans formally split, they both admitted their defeat, harrowed by the reality of the conflict, and adapted their new names-- Skyclan and Sunclan. During the height of this conflict, Apex and his followers forced Zenith and theirs up into the mountains, and watching their ex-clanmates flee for their lives, they were harrowed by the realization that they had divided their clan, that this was more than a small faction disagreement. About half the clan ascended the mountains, leaving Mountainclan and becoming Skyclan-- those who remained deemed themselves Sunclan, and adopted Apex as their uncontested ruler and rising sun.

Many decades have passed since the turbulent formation of Sunclan, but they are still at odds with Skyclan to this day over their tense background and their constant fighting over the Highriver Landmark. The two clans have what is considered a rivalry by some and an ongoing war by others. Regardless of what you'd like to call it, the two clans flagrantly do not like one another, and spend a fair deal of their time butting heads and otherwise engaging in conflict with their other half.