For Sale

Everyone here can be tweaked after purchase! Pronouns, orientations, stories and even names are up to you once they're yours. Minor edits such as color tweaks or additional small details/accessories are free! Larger changes are priced by complexity, but not commission price unless you want them done in a new reference!

** Listings are priced primarily by the amount of art packaged with them, per the value of my commissions at the time it was made.

These designs are NOT for resale. If you no longer want them, I can offer a refund or trade any designs that are still available in this folder. You may gift any designs to other people, I just ask to be informed.

Gijinka for sale gijinka Pokemon tabletop Guildee tiefling Gym Challenger lore Villains dnd worldbuilding half elf Adopted Ghosts firbolg Legendaries Tabletop drow gnome