World of Colors


Two childhood friends who created the World of Colors, a vast imaginary world that became real. They are the true gods above gods, capable of changing anything about this world. Despite this, one of them rarely uses his powers and the other doesn't remember her role until very late into being a visitor to this place.



human, she/her

Originally from the World of Mirrors. A reluctant protagonist who somehow ended up in this world and doesn't recognize anything about it. Doesn't want any adventures and just wishes everyone would leave her alone already. Smart and good at problem solving, also a talented fashion designer. It takes almost an entire journey of finding a way back home for Olivia to remember her role as a Creator.

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fazur/human, he/him

Originally from the World of Mirrors. Also known as Crow. He always knew that the World of Colors is real and has found a way to reach it. As a Creator he can change anything about this world, which is how he became a fazur instead of a human. Other than that he doesn't use his power much and rules justly as a King. Usually keeps his blind eyes covered with a veil. Was very surprised to find Olivia in this world and glad to see her after all those years.

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Three Races

Three ancient races: fazur, ingral and mercar, created by four elemental gods.

Fazur are genderless beings made of light and air who appear similar to humans. They were created by Fazu, god of air, in his image. Fazur are capable of summoning and dispersing feather wings and flying. They can also read minds, while some of the more gifted fazur can even influence other's thoughts. In rare cases, several fazur can fuse into a single powerful being and share one mind. Their language has no gender and their society involves no gender roles or presentation. Those who choose to present as a certain identity take it from the universal language. They are known for their sharp minds and constant searches for progress in their society. Prideful but also in a constant state of historical shame. Opening the Gate has considerably reduced their numbers. At first understanding and respectful towards dragons who caused this, they later initiated a dragon genocide and are still hostile towards them.

Ingral were created by goddess of fire Ingra and goddess of earth Al. They resemble humans the most and can usually be recognized by their long pointy ears and noses. Ingral are beings of flesh and can't change their form like fazur. They live in two separate clans, flame ingral and wood ingral. Both clans are known as keepers of traditions and history. Wood ingral tend to be calmer and soft spoken, while flame ingral are usually more emotional and energetic. They have no special powers, but their goddesses often listen to their prayers and tend to help out. The least affected by the Gate but terrified of the event, they prefer to live quietly in closed societies. Most of them don't know much about the present state of the world. They devote their life to their goddesses and rarely interact with any of the other races.

Mercar were created by Lorentmercare Thalaondines, god of water. They are humanoid amphibians, capable of living underwater and on land. Covered in scales of various colors and markings, with a long thick tail, webbing and claws. Strongly disliked by other races, they usually don't leave their birthplace and keep to themselves. However, they don't show a hatred this strong in turn. They have a rich hearty culture and are often strong workers. Thought to have gone extinct after serving their part in opening the Gate. In truth there are still some of them living in the present time, mostly around their capital and in a very sheltered society.



fazur, she/they

Advisor to the King and Queen, assumes the regency during these troubled times. Was supposed to be born as a fire ingral but defied her fate at the cost of her twin sister's powers. Main antagonist who arranged the Queen’s disappearance and allowed the Grey Plague to grow unnoticed for her goals. Viper's lover.

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wood ingral, she/her

Beloved and respected by her people. Mysteriously disappeared before the story began. She was kidnapped and her soul was consumed by Viper who now inhabits this body.

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flame ingral, she/her

Kiwi’s sister. Was supposed to be born as a fazur but her twin sister drained her of her powers before their birth. Subsequently suffered from being abused by her family all her life. Still managed to make her name despite never being meant for it. The one who started killing dragons first. Was killed by Kiwi who somewhat regrets this and now continues the anti-dragon propaganda.

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Six Wings

fazur, they/them for everyone

A group of three fazur who were spreading heresy about the existence of a new world and different interpretations of fazur prophecies. Dangerous rebels who caused many casualties and remain the source of fazur’s great shame to this day.

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air elemental god, he/they

Created the race of fazur in his image. Rules over air and winds, can shapeshift and become invisible at will. Very prideful and stern. Resembles Pazuzu, has a “human” and a griffin form.

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fire elemental goddess, she/her

Created the race of ingral together with Al. Listens to flame ingral’s prayers and often assists them. Rules over fire. Quick-witted and benevolent. Can transform into a dragon and a firebird.

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earth elemental goddess, she/they

Fazu’s wife who created the race of ingral together with Ingra. Listens to wood ingral’s prayers and guides them. Rules over earth and nature. Soft-hearted and cautious. Can transform into a turtle and a nymph.

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Lorentmercare Thalaondines

water elemental god, he/him

Created the race of mercar and lives with them, ruling as their god and king. This is very frowned upon by other gods, who choose to only rarely support their children from afar. Lorent is known for being dramatic and pretentious but not without his wits. Be wary of his teeth. Can transform into a naga, a merman and a dragon.

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Powerful beings that were unintentionally called here from another world through a Gate as foretold by prophecies. Blessed with magic of color, can create anything with it from objects to sentient life forms. Can shapeshift into humanlike races to blend in. A useful skill, considering that their status as gods is long forgotten and they're treated as dangerous beings that deserve to die. They never intended to cause harm to this world and didn't choose to be summoned. Not many dragons remain, most of them live in hiding.



grey dragon, he/him

Ash was adopted into the green dragon family and is deeply attached to his sister Malakita. He was tasked with recording the events of this world in the Book. One of the few surviving dragons, hiding on an uninhabited island and writing in his Book. He tried to create grey folk on his own and failed, which was a horrible mistake that started the Grey Plague.

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green dragon, she/her

An intelligent, kind dragon, adoptive sister to Ashgareth. She felt sorry for this young boy and switched their tasks assigned by the elders, which is why she was chosen to create a color folk instead of him. Her role as the Chronicler was then handed over to him. After several decades the remaining half of her soul reincarnated in Myrtle and remained asleep for most of her life. Loves her foolish little brother despite his terrible mistakes.

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red dragon, she/her

A beautiful and wise lady who was lucky to escape the massacre of dragons and specifically her family. She lives close to the red folk hiding her true identity. She prefers to live peacefully but is ready to protect herself or her loved ones when it is needed. Likes dancing and daggers, knows a lot about other dragons and can read the fate of colors. Cielaru is her dear friend.

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blue dragon, he/him

No point in hiding his identity, being huge like this is clear giveaway of being a dragon. Therefore he tries not to show himself in public a lot and hides in his library. He escaped the massacre in Shani's castle protecting her while both were losing their families. Despite not being a fighter will do his best to protect what's dear to him. He is a dragon of few words and a big heart.

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brown dragon, she/her

A little girl coming from a family that is known as Masters of Keys. They can open dimensional doors, and this talent was used by Kiwi against her will, with her family's lives on the line. In exchange for kidnapping the queen and assisting in Viper possessing her, Tawni's life was spared. She now lives in hiding together with Ashgareth, terrified of what she had to go through. She wears a key necklace as the last remaining piece of her home and as her shame.

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purple dragon, he/him

Amatista's brother. He lives under Kiwi's control and protection, as these young dragons are easy to shape and manipulate. He is a big fashionista and somewhat of an idol for the color folk. Not many are aware that he's a dragon. He can change his appearance and age but usually doesn't assume his true form. Aside from lookind terrifying through his transformations, he's harmless and not very smart.

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purple dragon, she/her

Lavindel's sister. She lives under Kiwi's control and protection, as these young dragons are easy to shape and manipulate. She loves living in luxury and is also a fan of fashion, but keeps it more to herself. Not many are aware that she's a dragon. She can change her appearance and age but usually doesn't assume her true form. She is the more terrifying of the two, confident, clever and scheming.

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yellow dragon, he/him

A traveler who keeps his identity a secret. Despite this, he continues the craft of his family, reading and telling the fate of colors. He can read fates even of those not connected with colors thanks to his magic fire being attuned to souls. A gentle and fun-loving dragon who does his best to survive in this dangerous world and help some folks along the way.

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Color Folk

Created by dragons in exchange for a half of their souls. After a certain time, the remaining half reincarnates in one person from that folk and lives a second life with them. Those with reincarnated souls or their descendants can often be guessed by their massive height. Nowadays they get discriminated, abused or even killed. Most color folk lives in communities according to their color family, but there are mixed towns as well. Warm color families (red, orange, yellow) are usually peasants and farmers living in little towns, green tend to live in forest villages, blue are often warriors or blacksmiths, and purple are nobles living closest to the fazur ruling castle. Other color families live somewhere in-between. Most of these social class differences are caused by the life of the dragon who created that folk and are then further developed by the ruling fazur. Color folk has an affinity for objects or elements of their color.



red folk, he/him

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red folk, she/her

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blue folk, she/her

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half-flame ingral, half-yellow folk, he/him

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green folk, she/her

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World of Dreams

A planet that was destroyed due to being used as a vessel for opening the Gate. Population is scarce and consists of nightmares (demonic horses), bat-looking shadow imps and shades that resemble people. While nightmares and imps are born of the residual magical energy that burned this planet to ashes, shades are actually restless ghosts of people who died in their sleep, undead souls without a body. Unable to die by natural causes and disappear, plagued by constant hunger, they feed on souls of the living in their dreams, making them into new shades. Those who choose to hunt and feed like this are called soul eaters.



soul eater, she/her

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soul eater, he/him

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soul eater, he/him

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soul eater, they/them

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soul eater, he/him

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soul eater, he/him

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soul eater, she/her

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little shade, she/her

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World of the Game

The world where dragons came from, lying somewhere close to the World of Colors. Viper's original world. World of Mirrors has established a mysterious link with it that lets them control certain people through their souls and is marketing it as a game. It actually isn't. All playable characters are a mass of adventurers who travel through this world, haunted by beings from another one. This game is praised for the massive size of its open world: truthfully the planet is gigantic and holds many lands, kingdoms, natural spaces untouched by human hand and more. Many residents of this world (or NPCs) are grateful just as much as troubled by the amount of people looking for something to help with, something to do or something to kill. It's not easy to find rewards for every little favor.



playable character, she/her

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NPC quest giver, she/her

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NPC quest giver, she/her

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NPC quest giver, he/they

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NPC merchant, she/her

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Bungou Stray Dogs BSD FSB The Oldies The Rats in the House of the Dead The Dreamers Trio Unaffiliated