
some may be harder to get than others. most will be easy/moderate to buy/trade.

the letter in front of the cat's name represents what rank they are. ex; (w) would mean warrior, (q) would be queen, and so on.

moorclan is an unpopular oceanic clan that is defined with many hybrid fish cats. this may include goldfish tails, salmon aspects, any mutation is possible. the cats that are not affected with a fish part are amazing swimmers. the clan relies on shellfish, fish, berries, and the small animals who eat the fish. the clan is usually well fed, but in the wintertime food is more scarce. in the summer temperatures get up to 35° celcius but usually stay around 20°. in the wintertime it rarely goes above 3° and averages around -5°. they live around a forested beach, without much sand. they usually sleep within the rotted tree trunks or in gaps in the rocks touching the water.

cat Norwegian forest cat forest Forest boi furry babe demon not for sale