ruemeow's Profile Comments

omg can I please call you Francis 

😭 i’m so sorry idk who you are, i generally prefer rue for people i don’t know very well 🙏 /nm

it’s good 😭 I’m @.rel-e on scratch or @.catknit 

RAHH how did you make the user profile look so nice??? :00

HEY AUTUMN someone linked me a forum to a bunch of templates in sweet retreat and i messed around with one there until i finally figured it out LMAO

HEY! And omg how?? I’ve tried a bunch of templates but Idk how to use them :,0

the one i used had a bunch of like guide text that wasn’t part of the code that helped a /lot/ - if you have a template and need any help i could try and do something! ^^”

Rahh could you help sobbing? It won’t work for some reason

yeah, totally! do you have a template and the information for it?

1 Replies