rujupoo's Bulletins

bahaha lmao

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by rujupoo

i’ve made my sister a ‘bento box’ now if you may pfft 

i have yet to add the chicken later tonight and the rice turned out crunchy? yeah no idea how that happens @~@ i didn’t even fry it

but yeah, pretty much life long life story short of an asian who grew up in america and doesn’t know how to cook rice 🥴


lmfao anyone else?

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by rujupoo

i just saw this story on tik tok about a possum and it brought me back to like age 4 - 6 idrk, it's whenever the Lego movie came out pfft, when i literally thought that the word 'pollen' was 'possum' 


if you're old like me and remember the 'everything is awesome' song from the movie i just mentioned, this story is mostly based around that wheeze - i had made this weird ass slight parody of it that went something like ;

everything is awesome
everything is cool when you're part of a possum

dwdw, i wasn't a stupid child and there's an entire thought process behind these lyrics that i'll explain

so pretty much at that time, i was a p happy kid and i associated shit like bees and stuff like that to happiness 

and well, bees collect pollen [ no idea why tf i chose pollen ] and apparently at the time i couldn't remember the correct word so possum is legit what i came up with 😒😒 and then after that i remember dancing around for a month singing my version of it and having my parents questions the word i had chosen and telling me that it was an animal but my stubborn ass got all defensive about it and didn't believe them then three years later in school some random people brought a possum to show the kids in my grade and lesson learned from that point on @~@

- - aHa sChOoL TiMe BiShEs [ updates ]

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by rujupoo

have you started school yet?

1 Votes next week like you
3 Votes haha sadly yes
0 Votes nope
0 Votes homeschooled mf bahaha

school starts for me next wednesday B')) i'll be inactive all that week bc my wonderful sister is ditching my dad and i to lead the 6th graders around our school for leadership idk purposes and i'll be leaving my chromebook behind while i visit him from 10 - 5 on monday and tuesday so i can dedicate time to him instead of the screen pffft 

and then for the rest of week why i'll be away, if you were keeping up then you'll know <\3 

also why tf did i get math as my first period once again ?!?!? and then after that literally p.e??

my sleeping schedule kinda just took a turn on me once i got back from cali last week and now i've been staying up until 12:30-2 and it's getting concerning since i gotta wake up at 6 in just a few days uydgiygdc lmfao 

ahh yes, there my rants <3 thanks for reading :]

so i'll be away in another state for the next week and a half and because of that + me not bringing my school computer for obvious reason, i'll be extremely inactive 😶

but there will also ofc be times where i will be active for a short amount of time [ 12 am hahaha ] and i'll be on to do whatever idk

my flight leaves at 7 tmr so if anyone wants to join me in staying up until 3 tonight, which is the time that we've gotta get up and pile into the car - feel free to do so 😎😎

thanks for your time, stay safe and follow the mask mandates 😁

bunny go brrr

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by rujupoo

has your pet just ever- like, skrrt run away from you ? 

my mum left the lid to the bunny hutch open by accident about an hour ago and my crazy little psycho of a rabbit had jumped out and run into the neighbors yard for legit who knows how long 😶😶✨

got her back though 😁 

the neighbors weren't home so pffft, does that count as a break-in?

kinda also hoping that we would've saved hundreds of dollars on the boarding place we're sending her too though 🧐 - that shit is expensive as my mum says and all our other family has dogs, my dad generally thinks she's gonna kill him, and she doesn't want to burden her co-workers with her 💛

rafflee ✨ [ nm ]

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by rujupoo