i. mosaic

The future is here, the year is 2108 and this is certainly much different from the past century. This story takes place in the Netherlands, reunited as one and only one. After several crisis in the country thanks to the power shifting in the government; now, the country lacks it's tittle of the European country with the lowest imprisonment rate, and approximately one of the most corrupted country in the European continent.

Now, we have a group, of hardly friends, trying to fight for what they believe, fighting for their lives and for their minds; this uncanny group of mixed ideologies tries to hold itself like a paper mosaic with expired glue would. An unlikely group of heroes, not only trying to save the lives of the normal citizens, but to really understand what it means to be a hero. They barely will be able to hold their sanity in the process.

General warning: this story contains gore, self-harm, depression, disturbing things; viewer discretion is advised.