sakonma's Profile Comments

all the beautiful 

HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ;;********;;!!!thanks for the sub!!<3<3<3

Sure thing Piffi! >u

Lyn is sooo pretty~

Waah thank you dear! Q7Q<3

You're welcome!

;_; omfg Idrisyunes is adorable!! AHHH

Thank youuu!!! ;7; //tho truth be told, he's not really a GOOD person haha _(:3_)TL

Thats alright >> No one is judging


Sebby and Ciel both stalk you forever .v. //gives all the love//

//SMOOCHES U BOTH<3 Thanks so much you two! >7<

Eee~Imma stalk you on here too!

Awww thank you! >u<<3

You're welcome!

pOJASJ FAV BOMBS YOU 8DD omg so excited to see more of your characters <3333

AAAH REVERSI!! THX SO MUCH FOR THE FAVS! ´7` Thankies! °Y° Yes yessss I'll be updating more next time I find some freetime! <3


OMG KIRI YES YES I'm on this site as well but only started using it today haha ´7` ///WHY IS VAEL ON THE FRONT PAGE-- //screams Yes please take it :3c

Ohhhh I look forward to seeing all the pretty art of your babies] <3

Oh I see ;7; //well done Vael omg you show Kiri-plums the way ´7` Thankies Kiri! °Y° Yes I have a lot of art to upload, thanks to sweet ppl<3 (so sry for the picture spam btw)