sandgale's Profile Comments



Gracias por el codigo ♥ tenes cosas re lindas subidas <3 

Gracias 💞

nuevamente te doy las gracias por el invite code, ya lo puse en uso <3

Damn que velocidaad x'D


siiii jaja saludos desde barranquilla :)

Saludos de Medellín <3

holaa <3 ,muchas gracias por el watch <3 

No hay de que! Tienes ocs lindos ovo/. Gracias a vos por el follow tambien >u<~

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UwU my pleasure

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Ooh *v* Hello there

Such a cute front page!

You lie! //shot

T- thank you >u< QnQ~

Did I thank you already for the code?... 3_3 I'll probably thank you for quite a while x'D!

You did thank me! XD But thank you for your thanks again. I hope you find TH lots of fun and very useful.

Hehehe I told ya I was going to thank you for quite a while =u=~ <3

Yeah QuQ Its really useful to organize characters and their info Weebly is too strange and charahub is always dead >u<" now I just have to traslate all their info...//shot

Eeep QuQ and thank you for... for.... for the watch version of (?? x'D QuQ <3