Oh look, another permutation of a permutation of an AU. 

Set in an alternate universe where history isn't the same as our own, in 1927.

Mankind can keep alive thanks to its brilliance
In keeping its humanity repressed
And for once you must try not to shirk the facts
Mankind is kept alive by bestial acts

            - Bertolt Brecht & Kurt Weill - What Keeps Mankind Alive from the Threepenny Opera

You turn on the wireless in time for the news at 1900 hours. The sound of the pips have become a source of unease, whereas before their constance was reassuring.

"The American Dutch Territories have denied involvement in both the Kingdom of Italy and Northern Italy, claiming that an alleged spy captured on the 12th of September was a United States plant. The Imperial Wireless Service has reached out to the United States foreign office for comment, but have received none as of yet.

Meanwhile in Ukraine, Wendish troops continue their invasion of a once-proud nation cut up by ruthless warlords and opportunists. Brave British soldiers fight a bitter and dogged war, making full use of magic in combat now that the Pan-European Necromancy Treaty has been fully repealed. His Royal Highness, King Edmund II --"

You switch it off, the bakelite almost snapping under the force of your disgust.

Dieselverse is a dieselpunk-themed roleplay server set in an alternate universe to our own. Magic and nonhumans exist in this world, and world history is different in many other aspects. Europe is in a warlords-type period during the Roaring 20s, leaving plenty of room for potential drama, adventure, and intrigue. Travelling can be dangerous, and complicated alliances mean armies can be sent far from home to fight warlords and burgeoning nations.

Magic is powered with either the flesh of sapient creatures or with petroleum, despite the environmental concerns both these methods entail. Technology is advanced for the time period, meaning that travellers can journey in huge zeppelins, and that hovercraft are decked out for border skirmishes. They stink with the whale oil that powers them, and gigantic stalker drones have the dessicated bodies of the dead pinned inside to keep them going.