saturnchuo's Profile Comments

Hi!!! I saw you drew my boy kuroky and I want to thank you for the art waaaa <33
I really love how you drew the piece!! Your art is really great! Again thank you sm <3
and I saw you used my code in your folder! (I own the Patsuteru Account!) Thank you for that aswell <3

What I didn’t know that you created the code :O i decided to make a change since I was using another folder for a while now but np! I decided to draw it because why not xD

Yeah that was me! Its a side account I am doing and it honestly suprises me to see when people use the codes I create

hi i just saw you art on instagram your style look cool do you want to art trade

Yeah we can do that :D we can art trade and the only way we can communicate is on discord and on Instagram ^^

k my discord is Von#8848

Alr it is now sent
