
 Folders & Characters


My Sona, a darling hippie of a vulnix named Sage.

The Vulnix

The Vulnix Species. Owned by me
An anthro hybrid species containing traits from vulpines, phoenixes, and other birds.

The Vulnix Species
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Write your Folder Description here! Try to keep it relatively short and concise, because each column only has so much space to offer.

The Eternian Species
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My characters which belong to a variety of closed species. EAch of these species is (c) to their owners, but the characters are all mine.

Closed Species
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my main characters. These character are not up for any sort of trade or sale, and will not ever be. Do not offer. 

Main Characters
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Secondary characters. These characters are usually not marked for sale or for trade, however I will entertain offers. 

Secondary Characters
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Tertiary characters, or characters I'm still connecting with. Offers on these characters may be looked at, but I'm picky.

Tertiary Characters
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Write your Folder Description here! Try to keep it relatively short and concise, because each column only has so much space to offer.

For Sale/Trade

for sale closed species vulnix personal nsfw shiji long canine nft dnd arkaine nfs pixion female tgt offer dog sale trade eternian pantharies