Heart Snatcher

Heart snatcher is a angels and demons story that I came up with cause of a dream

Everyone has a destiny. Not in the sense that nothing is in their control, but as in all that they will do is already known. This is how angels and demons know who to go after.

Demons and angels can see a timer on people's heads. This counter is techically counting down to their death, but the actual purpose of the timer is to show when they are to turn into a demon or angel. Everyone, upon dying, will be turned into a demon or an angel. Angels are very uncommon. It's not easy to be a pure human. Being a demon doesn't necesarrily mean you're evil, or even a bad person. No one quite knows what sins turned them into demons.

All angels and demons are tasked with taking a human soul of their respective kind before they can go to heaven or hell, though lots of demons straight up avoid doing their job because no one wants to go to hell. Most angels will refuse to kill anyone, and thus they'll stay on earth forever. They call themselves guardian angels. Angels who do kill another innocent soul in order to go to heaven, actually end up becoming demons for the crime of having killed someone, so it's for the better, really. Angels that are turned into demons afterwrds in this method are called fallen angels.

Being a supernatural creature comes with a few perks, like superpowers and stuff, but you can only use these powers for reaping.

Previous statement does not go for these powers: Invisibility, invulnrability to physichal damage, inability to feel hunger.

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