scarluq's Bulletins

Poll regarding Manaspits

Posted 6 months, 23 days ago by scarluq

For designs up for sale, do you prefer:

3 Votes Flatsales
4 Votes OTAs
0 Votes Raffles

Hi, I'm finally feeling settled into my new place enough to start drawing and making designs again. I'm still busy with work and life, so designs won't be super frequent. Like...I wouldn't expect big batches very often. That's why I wanted to ask what everyone's preference was for how they're posted. For me to keep in mind/for reference!

Small General Update

Posted 9 months, 26 days ago by scarluq
I have less than 2 weeks left at my current job before I move to another state. The next couple days I am going to work on finishing the last of my MS customs, then I am going on a short art hiatus until I have moved and comfortably settled into my new apartment.

It's been a pretty stressful and hectic process lately, so I haven't had a whole lot of time or energy to draw much. However, expect that I may likely open customs again or make more adopts once I've settled in, especially to help soften all these moving costs!

I appreciate everyone that has commissioned and/or purchased adopts from me recently. It has helped a lot :)

TOS + Blacklist

Posted 11 months, 4 days ago by scarluq


- You will not sell my designs for more than what you purchased them for unless they come with additional/commissioned art.
- You will not "flip" my designs (redesign and then sell for profit).
- You will not edit my art in any way without my permission. If it's something like hue shifting, please ask me first.
- You are free to change the species of or alter the design, but do not turn them into a closed species, or another closed species if they already are one.
- Again: Permission to redesign =/= Permission to edit my art.
- All sales are final. You will not approach me asking if I will take a design back either via trade or sale.
- You will absolutely not use my art or designs for any form of AI learning or for NFTs.
- You will avoid transferring any of my designs to users on my public blacklist.


I'm not lenient and I don't have time for appeals. You will be blocked and blacklisted from future purchases of any of my designs if you break my TOS. Anyone that provides you with one of my designs thereafter will then likely also be blocked and blacklisted. If you have any questions or uncertainties, you can ask me beforehand.


Do not ask these users what they did. Do not harass them. I block and blacklist users that have either done something wrong in the past, or they heavily associate with and support someone who has. The specifics aren't anyone's business but my own. This is for my comfort and I am in control of my own experience.