These are for WTA events ONLY, so please don't randomly comment with an entry.
(I traded for quite a few characters, so some of them may be traded in between events.)

(Please feel free to donate characters at any time!)

Characters are sorted Humanoid > Anthro > Feral > Monsters, etc.! 

- All characters will be evaluated after receiving five entries; I'll wait for more if none stand out to me. (That doesn't mean one of the first five won't be chosen!)

- Characters not chosen before the deadline will be kept in this folder and used for the next WTA!

- Characters that don't get five entries by the end of the event will be considered for any entries it has!

- I'm not attached to to any of these, but I won't give one away if I don't see any entries that fit.

- All characters won will be held in the "pending" folder for 24 hours to let other entrants save their entries. All entries will then be deleted and your character will be sent!  

- You may enter for as many as you'd like!

- Notable mass claimers will have less of a chance at receiving a character; this is to give everyone a chance at getting free characters and spreading the charity.

- Please submit your entries in the comments of the characters!

- Feel free to comment with placeholders! I'll ping everyone with one before deciding an extension date to see if they're still interested!

- Please do not put extra comments into your entries. (i.e. "I really want this character!", "I hope you pick me!", "I'll be sad if you don't pick me!") It makes me feel uncomfortable and as if you're trying to guilt-trip me... you probably won't be chosen if you put that.

- Pre-written entries are totally fine! I understand needing a character to fit a role that you already have written. However, if I suspect that you're posting random long entries just to get the character, I'll find out and you'll be disqualified from the character. Entries must fit, even if that means editing your pre-written entry!

- Entries can be a story, profile, or something else creative. Must have some sort of depth; short descriptions will be ignored/deleted. (i.e. "I'm going to use them in my story and they'll be a main!")

- I greatly value creativity/ideas over writing ability, but entries that clearly have a lot of work/time put into them will be considered appropriately. There's no maximum or minimum requirement!

- Please no joke/crack entries at this time.

- Entries including any non-plot slurs, hate speech, or -phobias will be disqualified. (It's fine it's part of a characters past, if a villain is homophobic, etc.) Be mindful about "psychotic" characters, or characters with "DID".

- Ways to my heart are: Unstereotypical genders/sexes, stories, uniqueness, character relationships, fleshed-out characters, complex characters.

- Feel free to donate as many characters to the WTA as you'd like!

- There aren't any requirements for donated characters. Generators, physical descriptions, moodboards, etc. are all fine! If a character sits in the WTA folder for numerous events, they'll be put into the Freebie Bin. 
- Cydric / Torab
- FreeFallingUp13
- Nonacrone

paradox free uft mq lq hq closed species RGT male giveaway single gemsona anthro Humanoid redesign freebie bin monster Mythical unavailable Made by Alblno