seirue's Bulletins

coming back? slowly

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by seirue

this account is really old ! im really old !

ive grown out of nearly all of these characters so ill be deleting them..
this might be an inconvenience if weve had oc interactions in the past, but i hope youll be understanding! 

even though ill be retiring most of these characters, i had fun with them! but also i am so sorry you knew me before 2018

if anyone remembers him, vee is the only oc thatll be staying (other than 1 other, completely personal oc)
ill probably overhaul/reupload his profile though, so again, sorry if thats an inconvenience!

ill be uploading characters thatre still relevant to me currently, which are mostly former/current rp group characters
dont expect proper refs of all my ocs or anything, im mostly wanting to revive this account to act as an art gallery!

think thats all, heres to hoping i actually follow through!