Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Heyo! Just laying down some ground rules before you decide to view my profile...

1. NO STEALING ART. This isn't for my safety but your own. I date all of my art and have backups for everything. Don't even think about tracing it or stealing it unless you want to go through tedious legal processes in the future. (If you would like me to draw something, just ask. I do art trades and am working on opening commissions. Just know I take a long time to respond.)

 2. You are allowed to draw my characters just be respectful. Absolutely none of these subjects will be tolerated: gore, NSFW, suggestive content of any kind,  just generally sketchy creepy stuff. (I am very sensitive so please be aware and respectful of that)

3. Do not talk to me unless you have a genuine reason, don't just say "hi" and nothing else (unless I know you). Examples of good comments: asking a question about a character, Requesting an art trade, etc...

Anyways, if you are chill with the above then go right on ahead to my profile. Welcome! 💫🌱

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