sereinart's Profile Comments

you've been busy uploading all your chara's :')) omg and they're all so cuuuute ❤

yeah it is really nice to finally have a site to use solely for characters. this is the first time i've tried to organize them.. ever.. so i'm pretty excited ^ 7 ^ (OH and i think i might have a good bit of free time monday and tuesday to get to some of those drawings for you~ ❤ i am really excited for it because i love your charas!!)

i've always used stash before aha glad you like it here!! *7* ahh yay tysm, super happy to hear that!! && you're welcome ahaha

ohh, true stash does have a folder system, not sure why i thought of that~ :3 hehe no problem!!

yepyep and idk that's what people seemed to use a lot :>

oh, and also, thank you!! x'D