sevenseas's Profile Comments

hi wife i hope you're having a great day

hi wife. warm dinner soon. i hope youre having a gooder day

!!! thank you beloved muah. i am finally free..


I AM FINALLY HERE!! Little Toyhouse rundown, you can find templates for characters/users of which you have to code in(which, if it's your first time coding, it may be a little difficult!!), but they make the character profiles/users super pretty!! i recommend templates made by the user @Eggy since they're relatively simple!! I thiiink there might be tutorials on how to work toyhouse...I do not remember I have not used this in months are barely got back into it!!

BANANA MY BELOVED HI omhg im so lost in here thank you so mucj. i'm studying it so it should be not too many issues with the code but. i am a little loser so navigating is pretty hard. W ECAN LEARN TOGETHER!!! UEUEHUBHJDSBJHEEKFNKBFDHS


though i am a little veteran because i have been on here for like...3? 4 years? I WILL TRY TO PROVIDE KNOWLEDGE!! wysiwyg wont always be your friend..

what does this do