
Powerful magical creatures tied to an element or a concept.


Gods and Demi Gods of YAWE


Characters that don't stay in one place and might be found anywhere in YAWE.


The Frosty lands of the north, land of the God of knowledge and air Eurus.


A land that only angels and a select few others can visit, hidden among the clouds.


Dense forests, large fields and a rich variety of animals and plants. Land of the God of nature Yongho.


Large towering mountains and always warm, the land of the Goddess of fire and nobility Adacia.


A land built to keep monsters and magic out. Normal people live here with no knowledge of the peculiar world outside of the borders.


A hostile desert filled with bandits and beasts hiding in the dunes, ruled by the God of war and lightning Wyrda.

Apocalypse Lands

A land that met an unfortunate fate, hidden far out in the ocean and was only recently discovered.


Home of the demons far below the earth, Ruled by the spirit of Wrath.

Misc Locations

Smaller Locations not tied to any of the lands.

ArtFight2024 need ref Tier 1 Blue HasRef Fire bunny Grass YAWE february Male Thin closed species Needs ref dog Kebanzu cat Black Rainbow Needs new ref