sharkflan's Profile Comments


:o) TYSM!!!

obsessed with ur ocs i need to know everything abt them

ahh!! ty!! i’m trying so hard to add blurbs to their pages but it’s so hard for some reason lol

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:’^) <3

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Hey, no worries haha <3 I‘m glad you like my guys so much!!

When it comes to inspo, at least with the school kids, a bulk of it comes from just regular animals I like, sometimes certain color palettes too. Sometimes I’m not certain where inspiration comes from, which I know isn’t very helpful haha…I’ll just have the silhouette of a little guy pop into my head and I gotta fill it in.

As for commissions, I do take them every once in a while. Unfortunately I haven’t had a lot of energy to take them with my full time job. If you follow me on my tumblr, I always make an announcement if I decide to take any!

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Hey! I love the designs you own, you're a great designer! By any chance, I want to just ask, will any be available to purchase/get? I'm not trying to be rude, in case none will be, that's all cool! I'm just wondering/gen <:,)!! Thank you!!!

Hey! I’m glad you like them! I don’t usually sell or trade any of my characters though, sorry!!

No worries! Good luck on your further life! Keep up the nice designs, they're gems! <3 thanks so much! /gen

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ahh ty!!!!!! that means so much to me :’^Dc

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:’^) ty!!!

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thank you!!!!!! <3

heyo! would you be interested in a trade? or do you have commissions open? your art is very cute omg :0

Hey there! Thank you! :^) unfortunately I’m not open for trades/commissions at the moment. I appreciate your interest though!

i have very much intrest lol, your art is cute <3

i am IN LOVE w yr school kids ocs... i love that "weird but cute" aesthetic!!!! esp the ones with the backstory comics, like sora/sujin

aah!! thank you!! ;o;


yw!! :D

these are so cute. i have gone through all of them w/ my boyfriend and we nearly cried bc they are so cute and creative. ;___; ;w;

Oh gosh! Ty!!!! :’-3c

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Ahh!! Thank you :’-3 I’m glad you enjoy my kiddos!!

Yo your style is so good and your characters are awesome!

ahh :'-3c ty!!!!

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Thank you!! They’re actually from a game idea me and my brother had. Dunno if it’ll ever happen, but I still like designing different kids haha

Bro, all of the characters in school kids are GEMS

I cry!! Thank you!!!!

you have such a charming style !!

:'-) TY!

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Your style is really simple but cute and I love it aaaa

i LOVE your ocs!!!!!! <3