Material Possessions

maisy is a modest, down to earth, hardworking, up and coming fashion designer who JUST got her big break designing clothes for a huge company and goes on vacation to an old lodge in the mountains to celebrate (think like the hotel from the shining) and basically gets snowed in there and freezes to death bc she couldnt make it out in time before the snow piled up the exits? so now her spirit haunts the place.

the place becomes abandoned because the damages were so severe from the storm the city couldnt afford to find the funds to fix it, and its a rly old historical site/building so they cant just tear it down??

and basically maisy was never an angry person in life but in this story, spirits tend to become more and more far gone with emotion the longer they are left to roam without being put to rest? and while maisy's spirit haunts the place, a new face emerges in the fashion world. her name is yulia, and shes a HUGE modelling/fashion sensation almost IMMEDIATELY. everyone loves her, and she ends up taking maisy's place after maisy passes since her body could never be recovered and she was presumed dead after being declared missing for like. a few years.

maisy finds OUT about this from the radio/tv, which she watches to pass time in the big abandoned place. (spirits can make things powered without the use of electricity as u kno) and basically shes fucking pissed

maisy is absolutely LIVID shes being replaced with someone who she knows people think is better than her, and that shes going to be completely forgotten and wiped from the public eye before she even got her START.

every day she grows more and more bitter due to the spirit thing i talked about earlier, and becomes a FULLY fledged vengeful spirit bent on revenge.

so here we have ewemi, a curious tourist who heard the stories of an angry spirit wandering the halls of this huge abandoned snowy lodge. She naturally goes to investigate, as she wants to attempt to make contact with the spirit and possibly ask it a few things (it would be rly cool to talk to an Actual Real Ghost)

so of course when she arrives at the place and starts a session, shes VERY surprised and kind of starstruck to find maisy is VERY active in the place. She encounters maisy's spirit, and after the formalities, she asks why maisy is so angry? and like. what drew her to become almost violent in her actions and why she sometimes attacks visitors or trespassers. Maisy responds with her story about yulia, though ewemi is only vaguely familiar (she doesnt rly keep up with trends or celebrities bc she cant rly be bothered to care. she hates the living)

maisy knows ewemi has alot of occult knowledge and power, and maisy decides to take advantage. she tells her its yulia's fault maisy is dead, and that yulia is a horrible person in reality and to be put to rest, she makes a deal with ewemi to help her possess the body of yulia, and in return, ewemi gets extreme and ultimate occult power and summoning abilities. ewemi is hesitant bc she knows the trickster nature of vengeful spirits, but she agrees, as she frequently messes up spells and wishes so badly to be able to freely connect herself to the spirit world/demons/angels and everything in it. maisy ofc cant do anything as shes only one meager spirit, but due to ewemi's momentary and selfish lapse in judgement, maisy is unchained from her place at the lodge and is directly placed into the body of yulia.

maisy proceeds to fucking Raise hell and make yulia's life a living fucking nightmare. she tries to ruin her reputation and make her seem like a cynical, selfish, horrible person to the press. she wants to ruin yulia. the only catch is that yulia is still inside the body with maisy. maisy has FULL CONTROL but ewemi's power only allowed it to be part time control. so during the times when yulia is back in control, she near goes insane trying to figure out why she feels something evil inside her and why she keeps blacking out, committing atrocities, and then coming back to consciousness.

ewemi, upon realizing what shes done, knows she has to fix this mess shes allowed to let happen for selfish reasons. ewemi finds yulia and offers to help her, tells her shes being possessed by an evil spirit whos bent on her destruction and probably ultimate death. yulia doesnt rly know who ewemi is but is so desperate to rid herself of maisy's influence she willingly agrees to let ewemi exorcise the spirit from her, since ewemi seems to know alot of what shes talking about.

SO!!!! its really hard and tough on yulia's body, and ewemi's never attempted a soul splitting before (aka exorcism) so she does her best. BUT eventually amidst all the lights and wind and screaming maisy's spirit is ripped from yulia's form, and yulia passes out.

maisy, once coming back to the way she was before she grew intensely bitter and angry as a spirit, kneels before ewemi and cries, desperately begging for forgiveness, for release from the hell of being a spirit. she hates feeling so angry, she hates hurting this bad and she hates the burning fire of rage and destruction she feels for a complete stranger

ewemi, now fed up with the spirit, tells her she will help her cross into the other side on one condition: she will never, ever return to the realm of the living. maisy immediately agrees and begs for peace. ewemi casts the spell, and releases maisy's spirit into the other side. the last thing heard as she drifts off into the portalling void of light in the ceiling is a sobbing "thank you"

the portal closes, and everything is back to normal

yulia, coming back to, thanks ewemi SO FUCKING MUCH and tells her shes amazing and incredible and wonderful, to which ofc ewemis like "dont worry abt it, it was my fault"

and basically ewemi from then on decided rather than summoning spirits to cause trouble, she wanted to instead help spirits move onto the other side and help those afflicted from the grips of the dead. yulia even helps her get her start, and ewemi goes on to become one of the most famous and powerful mediums in the entire world.

(meredith is part of the Afterstory, shes an ex nun bat who becomes ewemis wife when theyre old ladies)

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