shrimpyjay's Profile Comments

Your art style makes me think of some wood cabin in the middle of a pine forest surrounded by dandelions as the sun rises,,, I love your art style :D

Omg THANK YOU SO MUCH?? this is the sweetest compliment omg thank you!! It makes me so happy to hear that! :33

I love your art!! Do you think you’d ever open art trades?💖

Thank you so much!! :> your art is so cool?! I'll plan to open them up in the future but I just have too much owed art already so I don't know when I have the time to do Arttrades :')

But if you want I can ping you when I open them up again!

Ahh thank you so much!! And I’d love that!

Thank you for the lovely art!

I'm glad you like it!! Thank you sm for the custom!! :}

omg ich bin dein größter fan <3333

omg du bist die Liebe meines Lebens <33

test lol