sickofswimming's Profile Comments

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Very welcome! You have lovely characters >////<

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Such lovely characters <3333333

Thank you so much!

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thank you so much ;v; Rurucha makes gorgeous adopts! I'm glad you like my baby <3

yours are so pretty, too, btw >///<

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I know ;v; I'd love to get a commission from her >3<

oh gosh, how long??? I don't know exactly but years xD And congrats in the slapmyface adopt you won!! She is gorgeous!!

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I feel so horrible replying so late ;v; to be completely honest it was my anxiety that kept me from answering >////<

I do too ;v; I never get a slot when she opens :O and she opens so rarely //cries

2 Replies

Hey there hun! I sent you a pm with the file for the Heartpuff trade a few days ago QvQ;;

I am so sorry, dear ;v; I've had a busy week and got sick, so I didn't really know where my head was @.@ I'll take care of it now <333

Thanks for the sub >w

welcome dear <333 And thank you too /)///(\