sike's Bulletins


Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by sike

Design TOS | Blacklist

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by sike

design tos:

  • don’t sell my designs for more than you buy them for / their worth (300 points)
  • older designs shouldn’t go for more than 200 points / what you purchased them for
  • do you think you’re overpaying? feel free to ping me and ask! :D
  • make sure redesigns look at lest semi close to the original!
  • don’t colorpick more than two colors, but try not to colorpick at all.
  • if you ever feel disconnected, feel free to send em back!
  • (name) / (other accounts)
    • reasons

“A Guide to Neopronouns”

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by sike

I thought it’d be a good idea to create I guide for pronouns aa-

The most common pronouns, he/him and she/her you should already know how to use! But people can get confused with they/them, fae/faer, xe/xir, etc!

Fae/Faer and Ne/Nem are examples of neopronouns

“Pronouns are words that a person may use to identify themselves instead of their name. ... Neopronouns are a category of new (neo) pronouns that are increasingly used in place of “she,” “he,” or “they” when referring to a person.“ (source)

For example, instead of “she went to the park”, you could use:

(Fae/Faer): Fae went to the park.

(E/Em): E went to the park.

(Ne/Nem): Ne went to the park.

Certain neopronouns like fae/faer replace sentences with she/her, whereas neopronouns like xe/xem replaced they/them! Before using pronouns, make sure to know all the tenses (not sure if that’s the right word, but stick with me here), like ne/nem/nir is commonly confused with ne/nem/ner, as well as xe/xem/xir is confused with xe/xem/xer. Also make sure to check pronunciation and make sure spellcheck doesn’t interfere! It’s very annoying when people mispell your pronouns even if they correct themself!

Although usually people with neopronouns use they/them as well, some of them use solely their neopronouns! Always check before addressing someone!

Sentences alter between pronouns. “He is a good friend” should be altered to:

(They/Them): They are a good friend.

(E/Em): E is a good friend.

If you’re ever confused or if something sounds wrong, the internet is a great place to check how to use pronouns!

Hope this helped everyone’s understanding of pronouns, and if you have any questions, ask!

If you’re still genuinely confused, I recommend using the sources below! 

Do you use neopronouns? Let me know! I’ll do my best to respect them!


Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by sike

Please, please do not ask if I’m a certain artist who you think I am!! I want to leave the past behind me if that makes sense, and simply asking makes the transition much harder!

There’s no need to apologize if you already have, but please refrain from asking.

I really have bad memories [ with my past account ]! Please don’t remind me by constantly asking.

Thanks if you understand this, and please try to keep this account under-the-radar. I don’t mind if/when people find my account, I just don’t need questions.