
CAT WORLD!! I'll give it a better title sometime but "tbn" was confusing me so funny temporary name. hehe because magic and cats....

Im still working the details out but like... magic cats. Well some of them are magic lol. There's parts to the world:

Surface: Yknow the usual world. Made up of mostly meadows and generally more open terrain.

Outskirts: Exactly what the name says, a big forest on the edge of Surface, perhaps on a lower elevation too? It's scary looking & a lot of cats live there, living warriro cats style (The cats in the Outskirts live like how wild cats do in real life, sustaining themselves off nature n stuff. Most live on their own or with their families, but forming groups isn't uncommon)

The Grey Area: Between Outskirts & Beyond. A foggy, dense forest that stretches into the Beyond's mountains. it's only slightly less weird here

Beyond: Mystery land ooooooo. Mountains and the cave systems below them. Weird freaky shit happens here

humanoid cat void pokemon magicats mythical starfae sona pkmn humanoid human dystopia pkmn pokesona miitopia outskirts wc truesona Feline iii 3dstopia surface cookie run worldbuild elf 12 spectrum lore stuff animal