Novia Proxima

⠀Wait - who turned out the lights? Oh... Right. Its Arcturus.

The tallest city of them all, Arcturus has been here since the very beginning. The first city to be built, and a place of refuge for many during the apocalypse - Arcturus is the most crowded city of them all, and the most polluted.

With nowhere to build but upwards, thats exactly what Arcturus did. Instead of being laid out, the city instead is built upwards - city districts being ruled by height instead. Laying at the top is the Sunlight Towers, then descending downwards is the Twilight Avenues, all the way down to the Midnight Streets. Rich, to poor, to uninhabitable.

⠀How do you do neighbor?

Well I'm just fine, thank you very much. How about yourself?

A level of class is kept in Bellatrix that is practically unnatural to the neighboring cities. A family town - even at the size of a city - leaves many puzzled. But somehow Bellatrix does it just right, with a perfect ensemble of politeness, subtle passive aggression, and a love for bake sales - Bellatrix is about the only thing left of what was once known as the suburbs.

Bellatrix also has a neighboring town, Costella Countryside. A smaller, and more closely knitted community, its about the only part of the world that could be labeled the "south" anymore. Unlike most cities, especially its parenting city Bellatrix, Costella does not rely on technology.

⠀Disorienting flashes of neon light, loud jarring and obscene music, and a heavy spoonful of crime is the perfect recipe for what the city of Hadeus is today. Not many places can replicate that modern glow of the Hadeus streets, making the crime-ridden city the perfect getaway for many of the lowlives of Novia Proxima.
⠀Altair; the capital of Novia Proxima. Standing tall between the ruins of the neighboring cities, it proudly towers above the chaos of the world, far above the squabbles of the nation. Detached from the world around it, and instead enraptured by its own riches and personal greed, the people of Altair live far separated from the world of Proxima.
⠀The water is dirty. The waves lap at the muddied shores, the distinct smell of salt and sewage waft through the waves of Capella. Grimey, dirty, but it's home.

Capella, the city that abides on the coast. Surviving, but just scraping by. One of the poorest cities of them all, and a crime rate that could battle Hadeus' some day, this cities roads are cracked and flooded with potholes, beat up cars, and citizens that often look at you with half lidded eyes and a frown creasing their face.

⠀The people who don't have a home in any city, instead, hopping place to place - whether they be a free-spirit, homeless, or maybe a bit of both.

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