sivanhe's Bulletins

20 years

Posted 2 months, 17 days ago by sivanhe

Welp, it's February 17th. I'm 20 years old now.

I've been on Toyhouse for 4 years, and have been making my presence known on the internet for 7.

I've been through a lot over the years-- some times were better, some times were worse. But that's all a part of growing. Sure, I've had my fair share of trauma, but I've also had many more wonderful and memorable moments that'll stick with me forever.

Here's a list of some of the positive things I can think of that have happened in my life:
-I started drawing. WAYYYY back when I was a VERY little kid, before kindergarten even. If it weren't for my art, I don't know where I would be today.
-I got a dog-- a cockapoo, to be specific (yes, I know, a dreaded doodle). We got her when she was only a couple months old, and she's 13 years old now. Her name is Jewel, and she really is a gem of a dog.
-I discovered the furry community. While, yes, it has its fair share of drama, it's also one of the friendliest communities I've ever seen, if not THE friendliest, and it's helped shape who I am immensely, along with MLP-- the show, NOT the community LMAO
-I joined DeviantArt. Is the site a cesspit? Absolutely. Is it home? Also absolutely. 643 watchers and still counting very slowly :)
-I got a piece of My Singing Monsters fanart featured on their official Twitter and Facebook pages. I can't find the Twitter post, but I do have the Facebook post.
-I became an aunt of two wonderful little munchkins.
-I met some amazing teachers, throughout both elementary and high school. They've helped me in so many ways, and I can't thank them enough.
-I freed myself from an abuser who had been hurting me and my friends for a long time. It helped me grow a backbone that I've needed for years.
-I got Little Guy copyrighted, and am currently working on a series of children's books with him as the star.
-I got together with the love of my life, The_AViD. If you're reading this, Avid, I love you so much. You make my days brighter   

...And there's still much more to come!

My heart goes out to all of the wonderful people I've met over the years, online and in real life. You're all amazing <3

Please don't ignore this. We've been silent for long enough, and now we're going to call out how horrible this user is. If you can, PLEASE spread this around.
Also, DO NOT DIRECTLY CONFRONT HIM. He'll very likely try to turn the story against us and make himself look like the victim, plus I don't want to start more unnecessary drama. PLEASE read through this.
Individual documents from my friends:
Recently, a pedophile ex-friend of mine and many others has recently tried to contact one of the youngest members of our friend group, who was someone he groomed, and has been actively stalking him.

This user is Khryaus O'Howl, a user we've known since 2021, and who's done nothing but abuse and exploit us, almost ALL of whom were minors.

Twitter: GoldYakuzaTigon, KhryIsekaiDev, KhryausArts
Discord: khryausohowl, Montgomery Gator#3250 (ALT)
DeviantArt: KhryausOHowl
YouTube: Khryaus O'Howl
ArtFight: KhryausOHowl
TikTok: GoldYakuzaTigon (not sure if the capitalization is included)
I believe he has an Instagram as well, but I'm not sure about the username.

I'll share my experience with him below, but I won't be able to provide screenshot evidence (as much as I want to) as seeing his messages is still a trigger.

I met Khry when I was 17 years old, when my partner (then a stranger) invited us and many other individuals into a private Discord server to get away from the drama of a Friday Night Funkin' mod server. Right away we should've noticed the red flags, because pretty soon after, he started making sexual remarks towards some of the youngest members in the server. He tried excusing himself by saying they were jokes, but even so, they were still sexual jokes directed at minors.
He didn't get much better as the server went on-- in fact, he got WORSE. He not only made NSFW of OCs that belonged to minors, but he encouraged us to send our NSFW stuff to him as well. He once even sent me a guide on how to draw penises when I didn't even ask for it (as far as I recall, but whether I did or not, I was still 17). He's also sent me NSFW without informing me about it numerous times, including a reference of a species that included a feral NSFW ref.
One particular appalling example of him grooming me that I remember is when he WAITED for me to turn 18 so he could draw porn of one of my OCs with his. Thankfully, it never went through as I became uncomfortable and opted out VERY quickly when he started sending me NSFW art he found unsolicited.
I can also remember him being sexual with minors' Tupper bots as his own OCs (one of whom he's faking as a DID alter), and one day he roleplayed his character Vern forcing my OC Neru into a tongue kiss. Neru is straight and sex-averse, and always has been. Khry would just constantly project him being gay and his porn addiction onto the character, which made me uncomfortable, but I never said anything about it because I didn't know better. None of us in the server did, and I hate myself for not standing up to him sooner.
The weird behaviour with minors wasn't the only shit he did, though. He was also emotionally abusive and manipulative to multiple people, and I got the worst of it. He'd claimed he could take criticism, but whenever I confronted him in DMs about a (VALID) problem I had with him, he would find a way to turn it on me and make me look like the bad guy. According to my partner, he would also blame me for shit I didn't do and try to make the others in the server turn against me when I took a long break from it because of him. He even once dragged me into one of his tirades (about a Cookie Run mechanic, of all things-- he raged unnecessarily about games a LOT) when I had absolutely nothing to do with it. When I understandably got upset with him, he left the server for a while, which, in hindsight, was more than likely one of his attempts to take advantage of my empathy and guilt-trip me. He also rarely ever checked in on me, whereas I quite literally worried myself sick over him when even something slightly went wrong on his end-- which he usually exaggerated his reaction to. I remember when both of his ears got plugged and he acted like it was the end of the world and he was gonna lose his hearing forever.
He's also displayed violent tendencies, even towards his own family and even his little brother, who's only a child. He once said he would beat his brother up if he used his Switch again, because, get this: he was bad at the games. My partner also recalled that they heard Khry on VC saying under his breath that he couldn't wait to kill his brother. I can also remember him telling me about a time when he hit someone on the head with a ruler in school, and he told me that he wished he'd made them bleed. I don't think I need to go into detail about why that's fucked.
One day, I made a massive vent post vaguely venting about how horrible of a person he was, and he left the server again and unfriended me, which sent me into a downwards emotional spiral. The old server was deleted and we started anew. I apologized to Khry in DMs (which I shouldn't have, because what I had said in the venting channel was true), and he proceeded to guilt-trip as usual, saying what I said hurt him (as if what he's done to me and others is nothing).
He eventually joined the new server, but it didn't last long, as one day when I posted the view count on one of my YouTube videos, he got pissy that his own video wasn't getting any views and that he did "all that work for nothing" (paraphrasing). After a vague back-and-forth through statuses, I apologized to him in DMs AGAIN, and he guilt tripped me by saying this happened right as he thought things were getting better. I have no doubt that he was lying to make me feel bad. Thankfully, one of my actual friends pointed out how manipulative he was being when I mentioned it in the venting channel, and that was the straw that broke the camel's back and made all of us realize how horrible Khry is.
Khry guilt-tripped and left once again, but soon after we discovered that the Montgomery Gator account, which mysteriously became active after he left, was his alt account. After we called him out, he left on that account as well.
Soon after, two accounts came in, and both of them were trying to act like detectives and even started to defend Khry, to which they were both banned. As it turned out, one of the accounts was one of Khry's boyfriends, who I'm assuming was sent over to spy on us.
It's only now that Khry has tried to make himself known to us again, and his stalking of one of our friends is why we're making these documents to call him out and hopefully deplatform him. He's not just a shitty person, he's a THREAT. He is a PREDATOR, among many other things.
I'm sorry I couldn't show any proof. I wish I could, and I hope this is enough.

Siv's design TOS

Posted 11 months, 24 days ago by sivanhe

since I give away designs a lot I figured I should make my own TOS so ppl know what's allowed and what isn't

•Change the character however you'd like (overall design, gender, species, body type, whatever)
•Delete them, hide them or resell/give them away if you no longer want them (I'm not a control freak lmao, it's your character anyways)
•Return the design to me if you wish! This is NOT a requirement, and is only an option! If the design was paid for, I'll make sure to refund you!
•Use them for NSFW purposes (unless they look/are young or are a feral, then absolutely not)
•Ask to see the list of people I don't want my designs to be given to! I promise, it's not just petty personal drama and the people on the list are actually not good :'D

•Feel pressured to draw the character if you don't want to! There is absolutely no drawing requirement if you get a character from me; while I would love to see what you do, you don't have to do anything! I won't be mad, I promise <3
•Use the character for anything illegal/immoral or offensive (e.g. bigotry, non/dubcon, incest, pedophilia, etc.)
•Give the design offensive traits (e.g. giving a black character clown lips)
•Use the character for AI training or NFTs. I WILL refund you (if payment was involved) and revoke the character if you do this.
•Claim the original design/art as your own work. While the character belongs to you, I was the one who designed them.
•Sell the design for more than what it's worth. Any added values (like art or other stuff) are fine.

•Keep me as the creator of the character, even if you redesign them. If I find out you've changed creator credits, I WILL make sure it's set straight. I don't tolerate improper credit.
•Let me know if a design I gave you has been stolen! I'll help you out and do whatever I can to make sure the stolen character gets taken down.
•Ask for permission if you want to make the design into a closed species. Just a note that some CS creators are problematic and I very likely will decline if I've heard not-so-good stuff about them.

I have a right to revoke a design upon chargeback if the design was paid for. You want to take the money you paid away from me? I'm taking the design away from you, since the design is no longer paid for.

Siv's do's and don'ts

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by sivanhe

idk man i figured i'd just do one of these bc why not
also no i will not put this in a profile warning bc that's not what those were intended for /nm

•Draw my OCs! You don't need my permission to draw them if you want to, fanart is always appreciated! <3
•Kin my characters or add them to dreamie lists! Kinning is fine as long as it isn't any of my sonas or problematic characters, and as long as you don't gatekeep others from kinning the same character.
•Draw your OCs interacting with mine! I love seeing the dynamics between characters <3
•Make headcanons for my OCs! As long as they're not problematic, go nuts and please tell me! I may even make some of them canon :D
•Comment on my OCs' profiles! Whatever you want to say, as long as it isn't rude, go right ahead!
•Spam favourite! I don't mind all the notifications; it makes me happy to know that people like my characters that much :D
•Talk to me if you have any questions or concerns! I promise, I don't bite! If you have a valid problem with me (and not just trivial stuff like not liking that I draw NSFW, for example), PLEASE let me know so we can talk it out!
•Credit my art PROPERLY. I don't want to see you upload an image with yourself as the art credit and then credit me in the description or in your character's bio or whatever. USE THE CREDIT FEATURE. IT'S NOT THAT HARD.
•Interact if you're a kin double! My kins are Fluttershy (MLP), Axol (SMG4, pre-Internet Graveyard/Melony shenanigans), and Sylvia Tilly (Star Trek: Discovery), and I would be THRILLED to meet any kin twins, especially Axol and Tilly!

•Interact if you fit anything on my DNI list (I know it's long I'm sorry 😭)
•Think I support any problematic actions of my OCs. The beliefs of the creations don't always reflect the beliefs of the creator.
•Ask for requests, art trades, roleplays, or just advertise on my profile in general.
•Directly copy or steal my characters' designs or my art. Inspiration and colourpicking are fine (I don't own colours or design traits lmao), but don't make your design look like a ripoff of mine.
•Use my OCs or art for NFTs. Get that shit out of here.
•Oversexualize my OCs. It's fine if you simp for them (as long as you and the character are both adults; if you're a minor, keep it respectful), but don't treat them like objects. I've had this happen to my OCs MULTIPLE times, and it makes me extremely uncomfortable. And if the character is a minor and/or a feral (or is otherwise unable to consent), back off. That's gross.
•Ship your OCs with mine without talking to me about it beforehand, ESPECIALLY not if the ship is weird or problematic (minor x adult, feral x non feral, etc.)
•Draw NSFW of OCs that don't have the "nsfw ok" tag, ESPECIALLY not if they're unable to consent in any way. If you want to draw NSFW of an OC with the tag, please ask me first. If you're a minor who wants to do this or you don't have your age on your profile, you'll be automatically rejected. The latter is an exception if you tell me your age (and you're at least 18, obviously). If you're caught lying, you'll be blocked and reported.
•Draw any kind of fetish/kink art of my OCs, regardless if they have the NSFW tag or not. That stuff makes me extremely uncomfortable.
•Age up underage characters or make them look older than they actually are. If a young character has an older design and you want to draw that, then that's fine, as long as you don't sexualize them.
•Change body types or skin colours. We don't do that shit here, that's nasty.
•Humanize non-human OCs without permission.
•RP as my OCs.
•Infantilize me or my neurodivergent/disabled OCs. Disabilities and disorders are not "cute", and I and many of my OCs are adults who can take care of themselves perfectly fine.

Art Fight time >:D

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by sivanhe

Art Fight is starting in a few days, and since team selection has started, I want to know what teams you guys are on! And, if you don't mind, possibly drop a link to your AF profile 👀

I'm on Team Bloom this year!
