Mainline Projects

Blue Blooded IMG URL

Rosemary of Iros had always been an adventerous spirit, though somewhat constrained by her position as a minor noble. A little brash for one of her standing, but nobody expected her to just up and leave one day... She left with no word, no explanation. Then again, she didn't have one--something was wrong, something in the blood was different one day. And she had to find out exactly why. Unfortunately, gentry or not, most cannot simply leave their responsibilities and life behind. Her antics lead to an uproar in Iros and beyond, almost as if she was a fugitive on the run. Everyone ranging from law enforcement, dashing adventurers, bounty hunters, and even unscrupulous outlaws have something to gain from tracking her down. This can't all be just because she abandoned her post, can it?

Adventure Dramadey Fantasy Worldbuilding

[unnamed story 2] IMG URL

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget. Pellentesque commodo, dolor nec tempor maximus, risus risus lobortis eros, vitae mollis felis odio vel nulla. Etiam sed libero laoreet ipsum lacinia sagittis eu non lectus.

Biopunk Cyberpunk Neo-Noir Urban Fantasy

Bills of Mortality: The Story of a Plague Searcher IMG URL

Marinette Nightingale's death was unfortunate; all official parties agree it was a tragedy. When her body was found years ago it sent ripples throughout her community, sudden as it was. As the elder sister, her death left a young Demina without at true caretaker and out of spite the young girl claims her sister's untimely demise was the result of foul play. It was a child's flight of fancy, albiet a morbid one. Now one of the few morose enough to be a coroner's assistant, old chapters of her life reopen as strange bodies start to pile up in the city morgue. There are whispers of a plague, yet it's patterns do not match the logic of any disease... or more preciesely, it is too logical to merely be a mindless pathogen.

Dark Fantasy Gothic Paranormal Steampunk

Melody Rain IMG URL

Melody Rain was gonna make it! She moved out of her small town to the big city and--by Joe--she had every plan to make it... Now, what she was going to make it IN and how was still up for debate. But she promised little Benny she was going to make something of herself, something impressive, dashing, daring, not some two-bit medium like her mother wanted. Still, she needs to pay the bills somehow, and all forms of necromancy are in high demand in the neighborhood... Maybe she could partake a little in the family tradition to make some dough before her next rehersal.

Comedy Quirky Retro Supernatural

Timepiece IMG URL

Saved from muggers, Olive has a fateful encounter with the city's most enigmatic criminal. A phantom theif, he's known for being affable, polite, and impossible to catch, his demeanor a cut above the rest in this expansive city of crime and opportunity. Despite his manner, however, he's still an inconrguible thief and criminal. Olive needs to see him again, if only to take back what he stole--but she's far from the only one after the mystery man.

Cartoonish Funky Playful Surreal

The Magician's Atelier IMG URL

Magic is a scholarly pursuit of the highest orders, and any who desire to engage with such a topic must prove themselves true scholars. One must study the trivium, quadrivium, and philosophies before even being considered entry to the field through a university, and master wizards seeking apprentances are even more stringent, only selecting from a pool of the most talented and worldly. No woman has ever become a wizard. Though some may be cunning folk, there has naught been a woman admitted to a university or as an apprentice save for one, and the reigning society intendts to keep it that way. When one wizard has his academic title threatened, however, he takes on a tomboyish woman as an apprentice. Though this was done out of a mix of spite, boredeom, and opportunity, neither of them are going to let this go to waste.

Clockpunk Fantasy Medieval/Renaisance Worldbuilding

[unnamed story 7] IMG URL

The world is a strange place. But if everything's strange, then wouldn't that make it normal? Everyone's got a story to tell, even the land itself. And the land here stretches farther than that dizzying sky, infinitely darker and murkier than even the deepest stormy night. Not many go seeking it, but in the end, it doesn't matter--shoes will sink in the muder and the land under their own pounding weight.

Americana Contemporary Gothic Midwestern

[unnamed story 8] IMG URL

Trin was cursed, she was sure of it. A strange sickness started to creep upon her, subtly at first, yet the healers found nothing amiss with their skilled eyes. What she needed was magic. But magic is hard to come by in this day and age without proper coin, and even with money it's source is often suspect, usually collected by theives and graverobbers more than legitimate sources. Still, a shaman would never address her without being able to offer up the magic necessary, and whatever this sickness was, it was bound to lay her out soon without a cure. Not keen on seeing the spirit world just yet, and having spent all her money on useless medicines, her best bet was to claim magic for herself. Figuring out exactly how is less clear, unfortunately.

Adventure Fantasy Supernatural Worldbuilding

What Elise Found IMG URL

Elise fell asleep in a library. Elise also woke up in a library. Yet, where she wsa and where she came to be over the course of that nap were, oddly enough, not the same. The world she finds herself in as she bursts out of those library doors is strange, whimsical, and dangerous. Plants talk, trains teleport, and the most proiment figures are all bound to some massive chess match. Looking-Glass Land is a massive game board, and everyone, even Death, is a pawn to the rules... And what's all this gossip about a girl named Alice? Is she the ticket home? Is home even a possibility anymore? It must be--this has to all be a dream--because if it's not...

Otome Psychological Romance Wonderland

Dreamgirl IMG URL

Working in a flower shop can be sleep at times, especially in a town as calm as Swansea. But maybe all those naps in the back room have messed with Crystal's head, because somehow a literal girl of her dreams has walked through the front door... the whole town's dream girl, actually. Now nearly everyone's vying for the newcomer's attention with whatever talents are at their disposal. Crystal, however, would prefer to stay out of it--this is probably all the result of some weird pollen. There is no way she'd ever get in the middle of... of... so many people! But she keeps crossing paths with her for the weirdest reasons!

Lighthearted Shoujo Romantic Magical Realism

Miss Moon's Working Magic IMG URL

The school year is quickly approaching and every teacher is buzzing with things to do--well, all except Mrs. Marianne Star. Dramatically quitting her job only a day before school starts, the Pennyroyal Academy of Magics is scrambling for a new spellcraft instructor for the working magic department. The applicant must be well versed in both magic and mentorship--creative, resourceful, patient, and immune to several types of posion. Exactly the sort of thing Miss Alessia Moon fibbed on her resume. She's just happy to get a job after graduation, though. Still she's been thrown to the wolves (or freshmen, as it were) and has only a single evening to prepare for an entire school year. The rest of the staff is already taking bets.

Comedy Magic School Playful Slice-of-Life

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