The Wanderers

The Wanderers
- Merchants & Traders -



Story Teller


The Wanderers have no territory. They wander the world, collecting goods and trading them between other groups and clans. They frequently visit Galeclan, having built favour and friendship with them. The Wanderers often set up camp in different places to recuperate energy, or when one of their queens is due to give birth soon.


● PHYSICAL: The Wanderers are travellers and merchants, and follow their own rules and guidelines different to the clans.

● SPIRITUAL: The Wanderers don't eblieve in Starclan, instead, they believe that when cats die they are reborn as something else in nature. In that respect, they also offer their thanks when hunting, and prayers to certain spots of nature.

● RANKS: The Wanderers don't have typicaly clan ranks. Instead of a medicine cat or lore keeper, they have a story teller, who collects and shares story. The entire group have herbal knowledge but the storytellers are the most knowledgable. The Wanderers main members are known as Wanderers, and when travelling they are protected by the Guards.

Members [24]

● LEADER: --



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KITS: --, --, --


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Galeclan camp is located on a flattened outcropping along the edge of a mountain. The camp is well protected on all sides by the varying factors of the mountain side, rocky outcroppings, and shrubs. A natural spring higher in the mountains feeds down and through the camp. The camp has a steep drop on one side, with dangerous, sharp stones beneath.

The Lake

A large, sparkling lake sits at the centre of Galeclan territory. Despite its centre piece, Galeclan cats prefer to keep their distance from the water. They will occasionally fish here if prey is hard to come by, but avoid it due to the twoleg population. The outer edge of the lake is a popular twoleg hiking path, and often litter is left scattered around.

Crumbling Stones

The crumbling stones look to make an ideal camp, but don't be fooled, the area is a nesting ground for hawks, falcons, and owls. Any cat that gets too close risks their life, however, Galeclan have developed a strategy of leaving out smaller pieces of prey as bait, then taking down larger birds of prey as their target. This is a practiced skill and not reccomended for younger warriors or unsupervised apprentices.

Wildflower Fields

The most popular hunting spot in the territory. Despite its openness, the long grass and wildflowers aid very well in disguising a cats scent and location, both from the stalked prey and the predators in the sky above. It is also a popular spot for sunbathing and training apprentices. On the edge of the fields, near a lake, is where The Wanderers occasionally set up camp if they are in the area.

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