sleepyM's Profile Comments

Hey. What kind of characters do you like btw? Detailed, simple? What kind of themes? Colors? Sometimes I would like to make you something, but I don't know what would make you happy. (Just wanna say, I don't do furries, only humans with animal-like features, like tails, ears)

I like webcore kinda lol

Cool ^^

Thank you for the gift! She's adorable ^^

im glad u like her!!!:3

Hi! How have you been?

Its been bad tbh first my ex sends me FUCKING porn of teens. Now my bestfriend wants to leave ... well im atleast happy i still have u bud. And my partner is pretty loving atleast

Just block 'em. They won't bother you anymore. And about your best friend - I'm sorry to hear that. I'm not good with words, sorry. There must be some reason as to why your best friend wants to leave, right? Maybe talk things through with them and tell them how much they mean to you and that you don't want them to leave. I don't really know your situation, but I don't want to inquire if you're not comfortable with that. Just, take care of yourself, ok?

Tysm for the characters. I think I'm not really going to use Botan that much in the end and since you liked him, I decided to transfer. Enjoy! ^^


Hi hi. Don_Jefe has a purge going on. I thought maybe you'd like to check it out and maybe you'd even find someone you like.

It's me again. I had some of your characters, like Dr Brown, in my "liked" designs, so I just thought I'd draw him. I can't draw animals, thus he is a human with animal features, but it's your character, you can change whatever you want, even delete the design if you want or set him private. I just kinda wanted to do it. I don't know if you have him saved somewhere else, or, since he happend to be in "liked" designs, I decided to draw. 


Np! hehe Glad you like him ^^ TYSM for Sushian! She's so pretty AAAAAAA

Im glad u love her ikr she silly aA

Btw you have such pretty handwriting!


Hi! I'm planning a small purge. I couldn't really find use for some of my characters. Do you want these guys I got from you, back? Or someone else from here? (these outside folders)

Ye sure:p

Accept those transfers with characters you want ^^ You can deny others, if you don't want to keep them

they will have the best off home ty!!:D

Np! ^^

And tysm!

I decided to bring back these characters you got from me, here. Accept the transfer if you want them ^^

Unfortunately, I can't transfer dogie or anyone else who wasn't from me, because Idk who made them and I don't want to get in trouble for not crediting them properly.

Ty!!:D and its ok!! I can prob just remake the char to be diffrend?

Yeah, you're right. Guess, that'd do.

Hey. Look on su!

People are coming up with back-up plans just in case. I thought of making an Artfol account, but I'm hesitant. I'm not too sure if I'd want another art-related social, other than th, after this.

Ima follow it^^

Thank you sm for the gift character! She looks cool! 

Glad ya like em i liked urs too!^^


Welcome back!


